Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

thank you for the addition, i wont have any A & M chicks until spring so having a picture of them now is great for others to see!
well the biggie is size

Coturnix are HUGE compaired to buttons- imagine a parakeet without a tail and its' feathers puffed up to make it bigger...THATS how "Big" a button quail is.
Where as a coturnix quail is about the size of a robin, or a pigeon actually.

second biggie is they originate in completely different areas from eachother

This is an adult button quail hen "Kitty" in with my adult coturnix quails....the lil thing in front is the button quail he he

Coturnix are also known as japanese coturnix quail
button quail are also known as chinese painted quail.

Buttons are found in China, Asia, Australia etc. They have several different names.

Button quails have completely different calls than the coturnix. Buttons come in more colors than the coturnix. Buttons are more skiddish than the coturnix.

Buttons come from a warmer environment and are traditionally not kept outdoors in colder areas where as Coturnix can stay outdoors in colder areas and be perfectly fine.

They are similar in the below scientific stuff...however they are different in the ways above. Their care is very simliar though!
Button quails incubation period is shorter than Coturnix quails however. They hatch in 16 days. where as most coturnix naturally hatch at 17-18 days however theres been earlies at 16 days.

Chinese Painted Quail (Button Quail) scientific name and info: Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae
Subfamily: Perdicinae
Genus: Coturnix
Species: Coturnix chinensis

Coturnix Quail (Japanese Coturnix Quail) scientific name and info:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae
Subfamily: Perdicinae
Genus: Coturnix
Species: Coturnix japonica
Sorry for my rough differences description hehe
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Nice job Niki!!!! Right on the mark with all your info. I think the calls my males make sound like "look at MEEEEE" I tell him I AM looking and he can stop asking! Hens definitely sound like crickets. I think some do lay more than one egg a day - got eggs coming out of my ears and going right in the incubator.

I keep mine indoors in the basement. Their poop is big so mine are on 1/2" hardware cloth and cleaned every other day at the minimum. Learned that the hard way; house will stink.

They can be very aggressive and the males will scalp other males. Also had females badly injured. They are pretty calm birds; I don't clip their wings. They like to walk right out of the cage if the door is opened but they are very easy to catch.

They are definitely egg laying machines and I also get alot of double yolkers. They taste like chicken eggs to me; nothing special about them but the speckles and colors are pretty.

I highly recommend them.
thank you thank you (and thank you for the extra info). I agree indoors they would be very easy to catch and no need to clp their wings but if ya raise em outside i deffiantly reccomend it
I know me personally i'd bawl if i watched one of my quail fly away (he he...). I even freak when they get loose with their wings clipped, as where I have their enclosure is basically in the woods, so when they flop out they get a little nervous and start rushing off. Just had one today do it the brat (a hen--ofcourse...i swear their more dorky than the males haha), she almost got away from me but her breast was too big to squeeze through the goat fence spacings hehe!

I just love these guys tho.....i hope this post makes others interested in them...such great pets.
you are VERY welcome
You can use a lot of the coturnix quail care for button quail care too.

I'm actually considering hybridizing coturnix to button....been thinking about it for a while and may try it in the spring.
So far that i know of it's never been done.

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