Cracked corn for broilers


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 21, 2010
small town ohio
I am new to the forum here and new to raising meat birds.
I do have a small backyard flock of laying hens, though.
I have learned tons of valuable info from reading the back posts on so many subjects. My question is can I mix cracked corn in with the broiler feed to cut costs a little and still have decent birds at butchering time? They will also be pastured in tractors as much as possible.

Thanks for any advice and insight
If its CXs, they eat alot. You can give them some whole grains and some broken grains to help them fill up but digestion of these creates more heat. They will forage a bit, they seem to like clover at my house. I would suggest feeding them what you can afford/want to, and let them do what they will. They do eat a bunch, but given their short lives it isn't that much.

I have my local grain mill make me a broiler/layer grind, and then I give the layers flax and calcium.
Corn will not make your birds hot. It is a high carb low protien grain that will add fat to inactive birds such as CX. But you didn't say you had CX, so are you trying to fatten your laying hens for butcher, or do you also have a meat bird flock?
If you want them to grow the fastest and most cost effective, feed the commercial broiler feed. If cutting costs is super important give table scraps in addition to the commercial broiler feed. If you don't have a lot of table scraps, see if you can get some from a nearby restaurant. You want to keep the protein content up around 20% for optimum growth; so adding lower protien grains or forage will slow their growth down, as will lower protein table scraps (bread, rice etc.). It's just a matter of getting them the protien and calories they need to grow at their horrific pace.
Corn usually is the primary [ and cheapest ] ingredient of broiler feed . Its low protein and high carb , so has to be balanced with the addition of other grains . Processed soybean meal is usually the main protein booster . As others have mentioned , adding corn will tend add fat to your birds and digesting it makes their body temperatures hotter ; plus it lowers the % of protein as well as other nutrients needed to grow meat . If you live in a grain growing area , it may be possible to locate a grain mill mixing a grower ration cheaper than buying a commercial brand .
OK once again corn does not raise body temp. We have gone over this a million times on this site. Scientific studies have been posted to prove it.
OK once again corn does not raise body temp. We have gone over this a million times on this site. Scientific studies have been posted to prove it.

I don't always agree with scientific studies if my own experience says otherwise , so I should have added " IMO " ; and personally believe the added fat deposited by high carb/low protein diets has as much to do with heat intolerence or cold tolerence as the digesting of it . I can tell you that IMO its far more likely to founder an animal on corn as other grains ; and there is a reason working horses are fed more oats and less corn regardless of scientific findings . However I do thank you for posting another opinion .
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