Day 21 chirping no pipping


In the Brooder
Oct 24, 2019
Hi there im new to the page!
I have 24 eggs in my SMART fiem incubator (first time using this type) and i am on day 21, i have been hearing chirping since early hours of this morning! But no pipping or signs of pipping in any of the eggs ... Im really worried as my other hatching in my old incubator was straight away on 21 days ... Chirping then hatching with no delay. The eggs i im hatching at the moment or trying to are pekin bantams some are shipped and some are at from my hen at home. I candled healthy eggs up until day 18 locked down humidity is 65% at the moment and temp is 37.5oc .. whats going on ?? Is there still a chance for my eggs someone please help:th
Did you confirm temperature is precise in your new incubator? Even a half-degree cooler can slow down their development. Breathe. You heard normal chirping, that means they've internally pipped, and chicks have been known to rest (sleep) for up to 24 hours before taking on the heavy task of externally pipping and zipping. My advice is to give it 24 hours and reassess their progress.
Did you confirm temperature is precise in your new incubator? Even a half-degree cooler can slow down their development. Breathe. You heard normal chirping, that means they've internally pipped, and chicks have been known to rest (sleep) for up to 24 hours before taking on the heavy task of externally pipping and zipping. My advice is to give it 24 hours and reassess their progress.
Thank you for your reply, the incubator has a digital thermometer , and also a normal thermometer inside .. the temp had dropped at nights but only by the point say 37.3oc , but then i controlled temperature in the room and it has stayed the same since. I still have hope and i know all incubations are different !
They have internally pulled but not externally yet?
How long ago did they internally pip?
It can take 24 hours or more for them to externally pip after they do so internally.

What has your humidity been at the first 20 days?
Thank you for your reply, the incubator has a digital thermometer , and also a normal thermometer inside .. the temp had dropped at nights but only by the point say 37.3oc , but then i controlled temperature in the room and it has stayed the same since. I still have hope and i know all incubations are different !
Did you calibrate at least one of these thermometers?
There isn't much you can do right now so I would just wait.

Hopefully they'll start hatching the night.

You know you could check to Make sure they have not externally pipped on the bottom side of the egg.

It's not going to ruin your hatch if you open the incubator real quick and close it real quick.

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