Does a calm chicken = a broody chicken?


The last Saskatchewan pirate ☠️
Mar 31, 2022
Central Eastern Ontario
My Coop
My Coop
I'm trying to narrow down the best breeds for my chicken adventure. Local bylaws restrict me to 5 hens, so I guess I'm feeling a bit of pressure to get the "perfect" chicken breed. (Which probably doesn't exist, I know.) Since I won't be raising chicks, I don't want hens that are prone to go broody. Id also like calm, friendly ladies. But what I've been reading a lot is that the best egg layers are either flighty and not broody, or docile and broody.

What breed of chicken is a good layer, friendly, and less prone to broodiness? If you have such a gem, please share! 😁
My sussex never went broody but I've seen them often used as broody hens so maybe mine just didn't. I've don't recall ever seeing a broody Plymouth Rock. My australorp went broody at the drop of a hat. In general, you can probably say the skinnier or more flighty the breed, the less likely it is to go broody.

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