Does anyone have any turkey coop and run ideas?

I have 4 poults who are getting big and I need a coop and a run anyone have any ideas they like to perch do I want to add a few does anyone have any cool ones?
Figure at least 10 sq. ft. per turkey in the coop and at least double that for the run. In order to minimize escaping the run, make the fence 6' tall and do not provide a top rail or bar on the fence. If there is a top bar or rail on the fence the turkeys will hop up or fly up on it and invariably get down on the wrong side of the fence.

Provide a desirable roosting area with the roosts at staggered heights and not directly under each other.

Their coop is only the metal-roof covered part. The run is about 50x20 and the coop is about 8x9 for 6 turkeys and 2 guineas. The guineas and extra Tom are going to freezer camp soon so they’ll have more room soon. We’ve since added more skirting around the base to prevent any digging in from predators.

I don’t free range them since we have coyote, bobcat, owl, eagles, hawks, raccoon, opossum, and my own dog with a high bird prey drive.
I have 2 turkeys that are currently in a grow out pen with 16 chickens that they have been raised with.... we will be starting work on a coop/ run just for them soon. I plan to build a 4x8 coop area with a 10x30 run attached. I know that is a little overkill for 2 but plan to hatch more this spring. the plan is to only keep enough to fill the new coop...... I am thinking 10ish???? ok we will probably invite the extra toms to dinner.
I have 2 turkeys that are currently in a grow out pen with 16 chickens that they have been raised with.... we will be starting work on a coop/ run just for them soon. I plan to build a 4x8 coop area with a 10x30 run attached. I know that is a little overkill for 2 but plan to hatch more this spring. the plan is to only keep enough to fill the new coop...... I am thinking 10ish???? ok we will probably invite the extra toms to dinner.
I very strongly urge that you make your turkey coop as big as you can. In my opinion, a 4'x8' coop is much too small. A turkey coop does not have to be a four sided building but could serve well with 3 sides as long as the long side faces the prevailing wind.

I recommend an absolute minimum of 10 square feet per turkey in a coop. The run should also be as big as possible but may be skimped on if the turkeys get plenty of free range time. My run that the turkeys spend their non free range time in is 50'x100'.

My turkeys only spend time in the coop during the day and roost outside at night in the run. They also have a covered area that is simply a roof with four corner posts. They use this shaded area frequently to get out of the sun. I have seen them use it on sunny days when the temperatures are sub zero as well as all year long on bright sunny days.

Good luck.

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