Does anyone know what kinds of chickens these are??


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 10, 2007
I hatched these from assorted eggs and don't know what I have here!! They are happy girls though!
Any help is appreciated.




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I'll give it a shot.

The first one is colored like a Silver Duckwing OEGB pullet, except her legs look too yellow. It may just be the picture.

Second one: Golden Seabright.

Third: Looks like a Partridge Cochin.

Fourth: I'm not familiar with this one, note the white earlobes. I'll have to look around, is this one a standard or bantam?

Fifth: Not sure, but looks like a Silver Lakenvelder to me.

Hope this helps.
Very good looking birds!!!

Thank you!
The fourth one is standard, not bantam. The black one with the white ear lobes is the tamest of them all, she's really sweet, but I'm not sure what she is either!!
Thank you all for your help,
the bantam partridge cochin is huge compared to the rest and so far she is very timid. I named her Peaches because I thought she needed a better name than "football" which is what the kids called her!
If that first hen is a Standard, Im going with Silver Leghorn. Phoenix dont have Yellow legs but Leghorns do. If that cochin is bigger than the rest, Im sure she's a Standard. I agree with the Golden Sebright and the Lakenvelder, The Black hen Im not sure.
They are shaped like a football!

Tina was timid, also, until she hatched her first clutch. We had her in the house for the 21 days and she got used to us. Then when the babies came, we took pictures, handled them, etc. Feeding them her favorite goodies really helped.

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