Does touching the eggs hurt them?


8 Years
May 4, 2011
Watson, LA
I am hatching my first batch of eggs, and my husband says he read that touching the eggs can kill them. I have to touch them because I have to turn them several times a day. What precautions need I take?
i normally wash myu hands before i touch them because if their is any thing on mty hands i dont want to put it into the incubator but if you do that you can touch the however much you want
I wrote on mine with marker too, and then my husband was like "I read that the marker can seep through the egg and kill the chick." And I was like, "Too late now!" haha. It is probably a good idea to use only non-toxic markers, like the ones the kids use. I will have to look up about permeability of the egg shell. I sooooo want to take an embryology class...just none of the universities around me teach it :(
I wrote on mine with marker too, and then my husband was like "I read that the marker can seep through the egg and kill the chick." And I was like, "Too late now!" haha. It is probably a good idea to use only non-toxic markers, like the ones the kids use. I will have to look up about permeability of the egg shell. I sooooo want to take an embryology class...just none of the universities around me teach it :(
I just use a crayon. A no.2 pencil works as well. The crayon is easier to see! Same with a marker.

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