Dog bite at crop **Graphic Pictures** Update and Question


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 1, 2009
Temecula Valley, CA
One of my RIR pullets got bitten by my dog yesterday. He got her from in the front but from the side at her crop. There wasn't a whole lot of blood and I couldn't find any puncture wounds, but her skin is comletely missing over her crop.

It happened yesterday. I brought her inside, cleaned her with hydrogen peroxide put Blu Kote and a bandage on it. I have her inside in the hospital pen. Last night she didn't look well at all and didn't even want to move much. This morning she's doing much better. She's walking around and moving normally. She ate some black oil sunflower seeds this morning and a bite of yogurt mixed with a little layer crumbles. I also put some ACV in her water. She's not eating or drinking very much, but a little.

My question is about her crop. Its not punctured or open, but there's no skin and its exposed. Here are some pictures:


Its only blue because I put Blue Kote on it.


I have a bandage on it now, but she keeps pecking at it. She was pecking at it when there was no bandage also so I figured it would be better to have it covered.

I'm going to keep her inside until its healed, but would it be ok to leave the bandage off? Is there anything else I need to do?

Thank you!
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I'm so sorry for you and your birdie. I don't anything about this type of thing but it must be a good sign that she is up and moving around, eating and drinking. All good signs. I'd just keep cleaning the wound as best as you can. Infection would be my biggest fear. I really am not an experienced chicken person so I can't say either way.
You may be able to put the bandage on and then put a saddle-type thing on her that is held in place with elastic. If she keeps pecking it she could cause an infection from the bacteria in her mouth/beak. I would imagine that it's quite sore so her picking at is understandable. Even if you can't see a puncture, I'd get her on antibiotics, dogs mouth will have bacteria too.

I don't know if new skin will grow over all that. She's lost a lot of skin. I'll be watching to see if anyone knows more.
That was my concern, too. I don't know if she can grow that much skin back. I looks horrible and really painful, but she is acting totally normal. She even just laid an egg. She wasn't happy about doing it in a new nest, but there's no way I'm putting her back outside with that injury.

The only weird behavior from her is that she won't sit or lay down. I would imagine it hurts to do that. But she slept standing up last night. She did squat just now when she laid her egg, but stood up as soon as she was done. Can chickens sleep all the time standing up?

She will eat, but I don't know if I should keep feeding her. I've given her a little, but I'm concerned about her crop being exposed. If she's willing to eat, should I let her?

There is vet that does chickens here, but he's an hour away and really expensive. I don't want her to suffer so I will take her if nothing else can be done. Does anyone know if this type of injury will heal on its own or does she need to have something stitched over her crop?

I appreciate the help.

Eating and drinking is a very good sign. She may only be picking at the area b/c of the dressing...just an idea. I will tell you that I had an RIR last summer that had a dog strip his back completely clean all the way down to the muscle. From hackles to tail and wing to wing he had NO SKIN whatsoever. It was AMAZING how quickly the skin regenerated and new feathers weren't far behind.

You can use neosporin spray on the open area, give the bird electrolytes (like Pedialyte or you can buy a dry mix at your feed store), feed scrambled eggs and it's regular food, and just keep the bird in the isolation pen until new skin has regenerated...probably about a week or two.

I'll also tell you that I did NOT bandage my bird...the wound was open to air, but it WAS on the bird's back, so it stayed clean. The bandage on yours may be a good idea...just play it by ear and use your "gut."

ETA: looking again at the pictures, you may also want to take scissors and trim away at those feathers around the edge of the wound, so they don't get stuck, which would encourage infection and impede quick healing.
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At the very least call that vet. There is a type of wound cover that you can get to cover that that would grow into place and allow skin to grow. It often used on burn victims. From my understanding, it acts as a type of bridge to connect loose edges. If you get the skin to grow, it probably won't have feathers.

One site I looked at recommended a veterinary wound powder, supposed to be inexpensive.

Cleaning Chicken Wounds
Wounds should not normally be treated with hydrogen peroxide because it impedes wound healing by killing off growing new cells. An organic iodine such as Betadine or Xenodine work best. Once the wound is clean, pack it with topical antibiotic powder or Neosporin creme that is made for that purpose. Such products will probably include Zinc Bacitracin as their primary active ingredient.

For severe wounds in which a large portion of skin is torn, you can close it by using ordinary Super Glue. Super Glue should be used sparingly and only on the outer layers of the skin. Be very careful what you are doing because you could become “attached” to your chicken in a whole new way. ( )

As far a glueing her shut, that may not be possible. You may be able to close off parts of it and at least make the wound appear smaller.
Thank you everyone for your help. I feel a little more confident that I'm doing all I can.

happytxchick - I'm glad to hear your chicken healed so quickly. I was afraid that there was too much skin gone and it wouldn't grow back. I gave her some scrambled eggs mixed with yogurt and spinach this afternoon. I don't have any electrolytes on hand, but I'm going to run out and get some. She's eating pretty well for having such a big injury. Good point about trimming the feathers. I didn't even think of that, but it makes sense. I will do that also.

CTChickenmom - The link didn't work, but I will just Google it. A veterinary wound powder sounds like a good thing to have on hand all the time. Of course, AFTER I used the peroxide I read about it killing off new cells. I will switch to Betadine from now on. There really isn't anything to glue together so at least I don't have to worry about becoming conjoined to my chicken! I am going to call the vet first thing in the morning and see what he thinks. He might even let me email him the pictures.

All things considered, she's doing well. I was feeling really bad about it; she's one of two chickens who will compete for my attention! They both love to sit on my lap when I'm hanging out with the girls or if I'm cleaning the coop, they want to be on my shoulders. It makes it hard to get my chores done, but I like it so I let them!

Thanks again for all your support. I'm feeling much better about her survival.

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