Dog Flea Control products for chickens with mites

Alden Chickens

In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 8, 2012
After a little research we finally figured out that our 4 hens had either mites or lice. I read about using a drop of Dog Frontline under each wing to treat this problem. We did that along with deep cleaning their pen and spraying everything down with Sevin Spray. I thne put a very light layer of cedar shavings under the straw bedding and will repeat this in 2 weeks. The chickens have stopped pecking at each other and their feathers are starting to fill in. My question is can the Frontline be used on chicks that are 7 weeks old. (We had moved their "get acquainted pen" into the main chicken pen before we knew about the mite problem. We cleaned and sprayed their pen and lightly dusted them but wondered if they could also be treated with the topical)
I am not a pharmacist, but one drop of Frontline under each wing of a neurotoxin that normally is administered 3 drops for an entire dog seems like a lot of treatment for one chicken. You can dust chickens with poisons meant for chickens with a bit more confidence.

Medications are generally dosed based upon weight. If two drops suit a 4 or 5 pound chicken, calculate the dose for a 2 ounce chick. I would tend to choose chemicals that are intended for a specific purpose. I would prefer to use something that is not absorbed into the chicken, and treats only the target pest.

I am glad it worked for you.

The pecking at each other has stopped. We did another deep cleaning of the pen today and sprayed everything down with sevin and will dust everyone (young and old) with Sevin tomorrow (ran out of time today) I also put just a little sevin in their dust bath boxes along with sand and ashes. Can't wait to get the fence up so they can go outside.
so will flea and tick spray help with mites or live on chickens? like spraying everything and spraying them
You have killed the mites/ lice (did you actually see any?) by using not one, but two unapproved products on your birds. Both are fine products, but not meant for chickens. In fact, Frontline is not approved for any livestock species!
Permethrin powder or better yet, permethrin spray concentrate, works just fine and is okay to use on chickens, including laying hens, with no egg withdrawal.
Look at the website for assistance before using anything out there on your birds.
Moving forward, please check first!
Sorry to be so blunt, but we expect farmers to follow the rules, and we should too.
Many people who raise chickens have been faced with these pests at one time or another. I agree with Mary, Permethrin is what has worked best for me. I had some very ugly birds, now they are beautiful again.

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