Ducks and Chickens


Cooped Up
12 Years
May 11, 2007
I have not received my chicks or ducks yet. BUT I would like to keep the together.
Can someone tell me how you do that - what do you feed etc.....
Thanks a ton!
Ducks and Chickens do fine together when full gown, but as young chicks/Ducklings it is best to keep them seperated as the ducks will make a huge mess and get everything wet, including the chicks. Chicks cannot tolerate wetness as they chill very quickly.Not only that Ducklings grow at such a faster rate than chicks that they will step on them, and hurt them. Once moved outside into a run/coop they will do fine. i have 5 ducks that live with my 30+ chickens.
I don't take no chances. My ducks are in the front yard in the pond and my chickens are in the back yard in the garden.
I'll keep the ducks separate from the chicks in the brooder, I'll partition off so they can see each other still.

What is the best to use for the bottom of the brooder, paper towels at first then Pine shavings for both chicks and ducks?

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