Dull colored/ shriveled looking comb?


7 Years
Mar 6, 2012
Fayetteville, North Carolina
One of my hens has a shriveled looking comb; its just not perky like it usually is. Her color on it is not bright red as normal, its dull and faded looking. She is molting right now so I don't know if that's normal, but it doesn't seem to be. Any suggestions as to what it is or what I should do as preventative maintanence. Thanks
Put a little vaseline or bag balm (buy it at the feed store, very similar to vaseline) and rub it on her comb everyday. It will prevent against dryness in the cold weather and bring back the red-color to her comb. :) Also, if you have Vet RX or electrolytes to add to her water, that always makes my hens healthier and happier. Goodluck!
One of my hens has a shriveled looking comb; its just not perky like it usually is. Her color on it is not bright red as normal, its dull and faded looking. She is molting right now so I don't know if that's normal, but it doesn't seem to be. Any suggestions as to what it is or what I should do as preventative maintanence. Thanks
Any other symptoms? How does the poop look? How does her body feel? Can you feel her keel bone? [breast bone]
I will inspect her body tonight. Poo seemed normal though. Thats usually the first thing I check. What exactly am I looking for with the breast bone thing?
See if it is sticking out. Trust me....you'll know what i mean if it is. You can feel the keel bone on birds, if it's sticking out you can really feel it. It'll be 'hollow' on either side. If you have a kitchen scale you might want to get a weight on her so you have hard numbers to go from. Also pictures, if you are able, would help.
Shriveled or darkened combs are either a sign of dehydration or circulatory trouble. Just out of curiosity, I'd open the bird's mouth and look in the back of the throat. Describe what you see in addition to color. If you see yellow plaque looking spots, it is likely Canker. When birds get sick, they also lose weight and it is noticeable on the breast most of all. That's why someone recommended checking the "breast bone". Blackhead is a common disease caused by a protazoa, not a bacteria or virus. Birds get increased thirst, decreased appetite, get weak, and get thin. The same treatment for Blackhead is the same treatment for Canker which is metronidazole 250 mg tab for birds over 5 lbs, and half a tab for birds under 5 lbs. for 5 days. Limit access to earthworms if possible. Do you worm regularly, and if so, what do you use as a wormer?
Body checked out ok. No sudden weight loss. Breast bone seems normal. It looked a little less shriveled today and had a little more color, just a little better. I havent wormed them this year yet. I have been avoiding it because I hate losing my eggs. I will check her mouth when I get home. Could have been the dehydration thing possibly, They have plenty of water source but maybe the other hens could have been keeping her from it. Poor thing is like the black sheep of the group.

Its funny you mentioned earth worms? Why did you say that? I have a worm bed and they love the occasional worm treat. I havent given them any in a month but do usually give them some every couple weeks.
Its funny you mentioned earth worms? Why did you say that? I have a worm bed and they love the occasional worm treat. I havent given them any in a month but do usually give them some every couple weeks.
Intestinal parasites in backyard chickens:
You can't keep them from eating them entirely on range, but it is best not to go out of your way to provide them.

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