Early risers? What time 'should' a chicken be waking up in the morning?


Feb 11, 2015
I've just realised that I've got a security camera pointed straight at my chicken coop (only took me three years of staring down at the footage to realise that!) and on having a flick through my footage, I've seen some really... odd behaviour.

My girls are in a predator proof 2mx2m run as well as the coop itself and the run space below it. Also got a pair of dogs to frighten away predators, so really no concerns other than a few rats, so I do leave the coop door open into the run 24/7.

The footage kicks in at about 4:30 every morning (dodgey camera- low light levels make it virtually useless), and at 4:30am all three of my girls are already downstairs and wide awake. Scratching away, eating, drinking, chasing bugs- all normal chicken-y stuff.
I had heard somewhere that chickens see daylight before we can, but I didn't expect to see them up and about so early!
If it makes any difference, they usually head off to bed anywhere between 8:30-9pm. Usually after sunset, and very occasionally after dark.
All are still laying- although they all tend to lay around midday. I rarely get any eggs before noon!

So is this something normal or...?
Just curious :)
Thanks :)

Someone told me something was wrong with my girls because they didn't lay in the morning- I shook it off because they're all happy, healthy girls.

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