Easter eggs OK for nesting boxes?


Apr 26, 2018
My girls are almost old enough to start laying. I am about to open up the nesting boxes. I plan to put pine shavings to make it soft and cozy. I understand putting an egg in the box helps them to understand where to lay. Are the cheepo plastic Easter eggs ok to use? Mine are soft pastels. I could paint them, however I'd prefer not to. Will this work?
I've used those plastic eggs for a long time. I put some chat in mine and glued or taped the seam so they don't come apart and they did good. I don't think the snake that ate them was able to digest them though. :D
LOL good to know! My girls ate their first snake yesterday - YAY GIRLS! They tore it into pieces devouring it. It was only 10-12 inches long.
LOL good to know! My girls ate their first snake yesterday - YAY GIRLS! They tore it into pieces devouring it. It was only 10-12 inches long.
Good for those girls! They tackle the small snakes and sometimes gang up on them, It's the big ones that are the problem. My girls attacked one about 12-14 inches long, one had it and it wrapped around her neck , several others were chasing her and pecking the snake like crazy, I got her caught and removed the snake. I was afraid it might strangle her. The 5 ft black snake that ate the eggs, didn't even bother the hens, but they didn't bother it either, just the small snakes they would go after. Good luck to you and your girls.

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