EE's - Guesses on Boys or Girls?


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Shediac Cape NB, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
I bought all my chicks as straight run - not from a hatchery, but the parent stock was from McMurray if that makes any difference. EE #1
EE #2
I'm thinking boy on the above one... EE #3
Here's a second picture of #3
How about my 4 1/2 week old mixes? #1
This one I thought was a roo from it's first day. Just the stance/personality is so bossy... Any guessers on my Houdans?
I think one is a boy (closest to mom) and the two others are girls :fl I do know it's early. It's fun to guess though :p I do have two other white EE's, but the pictures are not resent enough. Will post them later.
It's pretty early, but I'd say EE #1 is a pullet, EE #2 is a cockerel, EE #3 could go either way, but I'll say cockerel.

For your mixes #3 is most definitely a cockerel. The other 2 look like pullets.

I have no experience with Houdans. A total guess would be 2 girls and a boy.
It's pretty early, but I'd say EE #1 is a pullet, EE #2 is a cockerel, EE #3 could go either way, but I'll say cockerel.

For your mixes #3 is most definitely a cockerel.  The other 2 look like pullets.

I have no experience with Houdans.  A total guess would be 2 girls and a boy.

Thanks :) I'd have thought # 3 was pullet and #1 would go either way. Only reason I guess that was because #3 is very shy and withdrawn like young pullets, while #1 is outgoing. I totally agree with the middle. He is already starting to have red come in on his wings.

That was my thought too with the mixes :D I was really hoping the middle one was a pullet, as she is my favourite, but I'd keep that one either way. I'm sure if she turns out to be a he, he will resent me for calling him Bonnie :gig

I'll post again in a week. Should it be more clear by 4 1/2 or 5 weeks old?
All three are girls (Pullets)
#1 and #2 are pullets
#3 is a boy.
Sorry not good at sexing the crested breeds except for Buff Laced Polish.
No idea, but what is that gorgeous girl in the last picture (the one with the houdans)???

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