EGGs are cracking open does this look right?


10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
I have a broody Bantam Barred rock cochin and she has been sitting on a clutch since the last day of August. I took her off today to take a peek and give her some water. This is what I found in the nest, does it look right? I have no idea what a hatching chick is suppose to look like.



Sorry, just re-read and understood it's a HATCHING chick!

I thought they were fresh eggs!
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I'd consider that a stomped egg and check it.

Are you sure they're due today?

Are the chicks supposed to be white/yellow?

If not, that huge yellow area is yolk and no, it's not normal - it got busted too early. You might be able to save it in an incubator but if it gets stomped again, it's all over.
Well its really hard to say, she was sitting for about 3 days when I finally realized what she was doing. She is very good about not leaving her nest and I have been getting her in and out just for food and water 1 time a day. She will not leave on her own. As for the color of the chicks I have a barnyard mix and it could be any color because she has eggs from several moms. I have an incubator full of eggs I don't really know what to do from here.

Thanks for the replies it really helps.

oh goodness that isnt good. She must have broke the shell.
It hasnt absorbed the yoke yet. When were they due? If that dark spot is a chick, then he will not be able to struggle to absorb its yolk, if its even still alive. Maybe you can put some shell back on it and tape it up. The chick when hatching will pop a little hole on the other end of that egg. He will then struggle around in a circle making the end pop off, all the while absorbing that yolk you see there. The chick will lose moisture if its left like that. I would try to fit some shell or something on that end then seal the edges with wax(if that dark spot is a live chick).

I have fixed cracked valuable eggs with wax and its worked.
good luck.

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