Ever seen a turkey do this?

But, has he ever had a head turn half blue, half red?

I didn't even notice until you pointed it out! I was wondering why nobody else's toms were strutting!! No, he hasn't done that! It's amazing how the lumpy bits at the bottom of their neck change color from one minute to the next. The first time it happened I thought i'd lost my mind.
ursusarctosana wrote: I've only seen Ataturk do this twice in the past ten months.

On the two occasions you've observed this, did he eventually (slow/rapid?) `shoot the red' completely? Or did he strut `round all two-toned? Do you observe any less dramatic difference when he's not `shot'?

I've never seen this. That it has occurred so infrequently is interesting. Thanks for posting that photo!

By the way, did you name him after Mustafa Kemal ?​
My big Tom had only done that once and it was very brief, but it sure was coool. nice picture you got lucky.

On the two occasions you've observed this, did he eventually (slow/rapid?) `shoot the red' completely? Or did he strut `round all two-toned? Do you observe any less dramatic difference when he's not `shot'?

I've never seen this. That it has occurred so infrequently is interesting. Thanks for posting that photo!

By the way, did you name him after Mustafa Kemal ?

He strutted around two-toned. Our friend was visiting; perhaps he was excited by him.

This was only the second time I've observed this 'phenomenon' with the two-toned bit; otherwise, he is usually red, sometimes with splotches of blue, and once in a while he's a light powder blue.

Yes, he is named after Mustafa Kemal. My turkeys are Ataturk, and Turkle (now deceased).

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