Ex-battery hens, no feathers. Worried about winter months.


In the Brooder
Nov 14, 2019
Hi Everyone!
In July 2019, I adopted four ex-battery hens. When they arrived, they were all very pale looking, scruffy/missing feathers and quite thin.
Over the past 4 months, the girls have thrived! Their combs and faces are red, they have gained weight and love rummaging about in my garden.
One hen, Tayo, looked the worst when she arrived. She had virtually no feathers left on her tail and half way up her back.
I have seen one or two feathers try to regrow, only for them to be gone again the next day, sometimes with a little bit of blood. I put this down to the other hens picking on her, and sprayed her with some pet antiseptic and anti peck spray too. Since then, she's had no feathers regrow at all, and no blood either. She's perfectly happy in herself, her behaviour is no different to the other hens although she is slightly smaller and thinner. Her comb is red and she still lays.

Is it likely that the feathers just won't regrow at all? I'm worried about her now it's getting much colder and wetter. Is there anything I can do for her?

I'd be so grateful of any help :)
Can you post pictures of the hens?
If she is producing eggs very heavily she will not put energy into feather growth. What country are you in? If you have a large enough henhouse you may want to confine the hens to it during the winter, making sure that there is enough ventilation and free from drafts. It’s also possible that your chickens need more protein in their diet.
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Thanks so much for your quick reply!
Here she is!
I’m in the UK, it’s around 6C right now but it drops to around 2C at night. They have a coop that’s more than big enough for the four of them but I wouldn’t like to lock them up all day. I’m thinking of investing in a bigger shed type thing for them instead.
What would you recommend for protein?
She’s not as bad as I thought from your description. I thought she was pretty much bald. Since she’s not missing as many feathers as I thought, there’s no need to confine then to the henhouse. Cooked eggs are a great source of protein. 2°C/35.6°F isn’t that cold for chickens.
A hen saddle would be great as Lizzzyjo recommended. They make them with or without tail covering extensions. The ones below go up on tail some. First one looks like it would still allow her to get to oil gland. The first one would blend with her feather coloring more. Etsy sells an assortment and offers patterns. A couple pics from Etsy below.
If feathers are growing back and then disappearing the next day, the others are pecking out her feathers. That may be a habit in ex-battery hens. Reasons are overcrowding, too little protein in the diet, agressive breeds, boredom and others. The hen saddles may help, but I would increase their feed protein to 20% in an all flock feed that can be fed to all ages and sexes. It is fine to use with crushed oyster shell in a separte container for hens laying. I have made one piece now sew slip on saddles my first year with a young rooster. A 7x9 inch piece of polar fleece with 2 two inch wing slits to hold it on work well. Trim up to fit when on. This link shows similar ones:
Hi Everyone!
In July 2019, I adopted four ex-battery hens. When they arrived, they were all very pale looking, scruffy/missing feathers and quite thin.
Over the past 4 months, the girls have thrived! Their combs and faces are red, they have gained weight and love rummaging about in my garden.
One hen, Tayo, looked the worst when she arrived. She had virtually no feathers left on her tail and half way up her back.
I have seen one or two feathers try to regrow, only for them to be gone again the next day, sometimes with a little bit of blood. I put this down to the other hens picking on her, and sprayed her with some pet antiseptic and anti peck spray too. Since then, she's had no feathers regrow at all, and no blood either. She's perfectly happy in herself, her behaviour is no different to the other hens although she is slightly smaller and thinner. Her comb is red and she still lays.

Is it likely that the feathers just won't regrow at all? I'm worried about her now it's getting much colder and wetter. Is there anything I can do for her?

I'd be so grateful of any help :)

out her inside??

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