Farmer is spraying 2,4-D (potent weed killer) near free ranging chickens


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 29, 2012
Southern Ohio
Well they are spraying 2,4-D about 75 yards away from the coop to burn or kill all the grass and weeds. The chickens free range near this area but only in the last hour of daylight. I have an enclosed run and was going to keep them in there for 2-3 days but they have never been kept in the run this long since they were about 12 weeks old.

How long would you keep them in the run?
If you have enough food they can stay in the run for long time, but the weed killer may be a problem, pray that it rains, let the rains wash the weed killer down towards the roots, then it would probably be save
Well they are spraying 2,4-D about 75 yards away from the coop to burn or kill all the grass and weeds. The chickens free range near this area but only in the last hour of daylight. I have an enclosed run and was going to keep them in there for 2-3 days but they have never been kept in the run this long since they were about 12 weeks old.

How long would you keep them in the run?
The LD50 determined in an acute toxicity rat study is 639 mg/kg.[21] Single oral doses of 5 and 30 mg/kg body weight did not cause any acute toxic effects in human volunteers. This chemical has been associated with the risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.[22]
The amine salt formulations can cause eye damage (blindness) on contact; ester formulations are considered non-irritating to the eyes.
One study found that occupational exposure to 2,4-D caused male reproductive problems, including dead and malformed sperm.[23]
Concerns regarding neurotoxicity have been voiced with increased sensitivity to amphetamine and thus concerns of increased risk of drug addiction among those exposed.[24]
Thanks for the input, we got a heavy rain and had a few inches of snow that melted on the grass, so it was washed down twice. I read there on wiki that after two months the levels were dropped at a significant level.
Oh that makes me feel great! Thanks, I have let them only free range for a couple hours a day in areas untreated. They have been on organic feed since 8 weeks old so felt like it could really hurt the birds health and the quality of the meat and eggs.

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