Female behavior


Mar 1, 2023
I had two female Pekin ducks and they would frequently mate with each other even though the had males I guess they had sum sort of relationship šŸ˜‚ is that unusual?
Iā€™m wondering if theyā€™re both actually female. Iā€™m not a duck expert, so I hope one of our duck members can give you a reply soon. šŸ™‚
ducks are crazy like that it happens all the time. sometimes they pile up 3 on top of each other silly girls. I feel like theyā€™re practicing in case a guy does come along. I only have girls I tried a couple of drakes that didnā€™t work out in the past and rehomed them. Ducks also have what they call aā€rape culture ā€œ drakes can be very aggressive especially if thereā€™s more than one of them and you donā€™t have enough hens you want four or five ladies for every man. did you know the mallard duck is the number one most sexually aggressive animal in the entire animal kingdom a lot of the females are accidentally killed during mating
Speaking of this behavior - I took one of mine to the vet a couple of weeks ago because I thought something had injured her above her left wing. It looked a little disheveled and pink and she was moving her wings around in a funny way, though no blood. In short, I'm pretty sure it's from the ladies getting amorous with one another in the pool - one flat in the water and another practically surfing on her and acting like a drake (three ducks and all are female). I periodically take the pool access away in the hopes she can completely heal up but then I feel bad! They all seem to take turns but one in particular continues to have this little disheveled irritated area. Horny ladies!!! Wish I could tell them to quit it.
Oh my gosh depriving them of the pool was pointless apparently. I just saw them do the same thing on dry land. Well darn. Wish they'd take it easy!!

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