

Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Who else has fish!?

I’ve had various fish over the years including an awesome planted 10 gallon betta tank at one point but then I got out of it for several years. Didn’t think I would get more as the maintenance was just too much and I didn’t really enjoy it anymore.

That is until I spontaneously bought several goldfish almost 3 years ago now. :lau :oops:

Bought 6 feeder goldfish from Petco, two died early on for various reasons, still have 4. They are huge now.

They have outgrown their current tank so I’ve been having to do a lot more water and filter changes to keep them healthy but I am finally upgrading this week. Ordered a new filter and some other stuff to set it up today cause it was way cheaper online and I am going to buy a big huge 75 gallon tank from the pet store tomorrow. Was going to today but didn’t get to it. But they’re having a big sale so taking advantage of it.

They will be in the 75 for winter since it’s too cold to move them out now but come spring I will also be building a pond for them. From then on they will be in the pond for the spring, summer, and fall, and inside for winter. Unless I make the pond deep enough to not freeze completely which I am also considering but that’s a lot more expensive.


Long story short, I currently have 4 goldfish and I will also be getting a betta fish again this week.

That big sale I was talking about?

Also taking advantage of it to buy a betta tank :lau :oops:

They had some GORGEOUS bettas in there and I couldn’t resist so also ordered stuff to set up a betta tank. :lau :oops:

So tomorrow I will be picking up a 75 gallon, a 10 gallon, and who knows what else. :lau :oops:

And once the tanks are established, I’ll be going back to pick up my betta and probably some more goldfish. They have some super pretty goldfish too.


Let’s see those fish!!!

Whether you have indoor tanks, outdoor tanks, a pond, whatever. I love all fish!! Let’s see them. :D
I have angelfish, ghost fish, tetras, bristle nose pleco, glofish, boesemani rainbow fish and a green lantern Molly. Most I've had for over 5 years.

That’s awesome!! Maybe I’ll set up a tropical tank with my current tank once it’s empty. :D

Or use it for gerbils.
I have a mix fish, koi mixed with goldfish. She is very pretty. I also have 2 other types of fish which I have no idea the breed. The longest living fish I had was a goldfish at 10 years old and he just died last year. He was so pretty.

Wow that is awesome!! I didn’t realize they could interbreed. I bet she is pretty!! And aww I’m sorry about your goldfish. :hit

I hope mine live a long time. :fl
I have fishies!
3 Bettas (2 female, 1 male)
2 Algea Eaters
and 1 female guppy

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