When I take the littles out of the brooder box, they kick and scream, but less than five minutes, they are all completely comfortable on my lap and watching tv. Then when it’s time for bed, same thing. Kicking and screaming. I don’t know what to do, they need space to stretch their muscles. :he:th
Give them your bed.
I still love my Marans. Quiet, dignified, calm friendly drop dead gorgeous laidies and gentleman they are.
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And yes, you all remember correctly. 3 short years ago now I detested silkies. Hated them really. Weird, ugly little aliens who were to never grace my yard. How wrong I was. I have fallen and fallen hard for them. Blame Branch, it is all his fault.
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Marans or Silkies. Which one is my favorite. I cannot and will not answer that question. I cannot imagine a flock now without both.

I wish this little guy would stay around at night
Oh wow poor Perry still not making a shell.

I started to research eggs with thin shells and no shells when Petunia had her issue, came across an article on a virus called Egg Drop Syndrome
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/egg-drop-syndrome#:~:text=Duck adenovirus 1 (DAdV-1,and soon became known worldwide.

Had me all freaked out at first but seeing as how no one else has issues and seeing as how her eggs are now back to normal (hard shelled) I calmed down a bit 😳

Actually I have been giving her calcium every other night since she had her egg-possode and went to the Vet.
Yea it’s so interesting. She has never laid an egg with a shell- not even a thin shelled ones. It’s like her body is ejecting perfectly good insides right past the shell gland. Wildly enough, I’m concerned she in consuming too much calcium! She’s been on layer feed for so long, but doesn’t have an outlet for it to leave her body. I wonder how long it’ll take for the calcium to affect her kidneys.

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