What did he say?
Recommended a different diet for Jaffar. His vitamin needs are different than the hens needs. And the veterinarian said that scratch grains aren’t good enough as feed. Although many people feed it to their chickens it’s not good for health. He recommended an all-flock feed with wild bird mix as well. ( I’m still feeding them all too many treats.)
So I guess my veterinarian isn’t too fond of antibiotic usage. We are in constant contact though, and he wants updates of Jaffar’s progress.
Recommended a different diet for Jaffar. His vitamin needs are different than the hens needs. And the veterinarian said that scratch grains aren’t good enough as feed. Although many people feed it to their chickens it’s not good for health. He recommended an all-flock feed with wild bird mix as well. ( I’m still feeding them all too many treats.)
So I guess my veterinarian isn’t too fond of antibiotic usage. We are in constant contact though, and he wants updates of Jaffar’s progress.
Well on the one hand your Vet is correct about the diet (and treats 😊 I am guilty also), can you feed all flock to everyone and give oyster shell as a calcium supplement to the gals?

I am thinking of going to that with my kiddies now that I have Mr P here.

I might have pressed for antibiotics but guess not much you can do but keep an eye on him ❤️🥰
Well on the one hand your Vet is correct about the diet (and treats 😊 I am guilty also), can you feed all flock to everyone and give oyster shell as a calcium supplement to the gals?

I am thinking of going to that with my kiddies now that I have Mr P here.

I might have pressed for antibiotics but guess not much you can do but keep an eye on him ❤️🥰
I’m watching him all afternoon. He’s busy now, trying to persuade the ladies to get closer to the coop (but he’s not having much luck with that)!
Work in progress tax: (all headed towards the coop now) E3A69E3E-8CB3-4D95-ABC3-ABBB9187DFDC.jpeg
I’m watching him all afternoon. He’s busy now, trying to persuade the ladies to get closer to the coop (but he’s not having much luck with that)!
Glad to see he is doing roosterly things 😁

Try the diet change if you can. And in the mean time keep an eye on the wee fella ❤️

This is a not very interesting video from the coop cam of Bernie having breakfast. Is the sound you can hear on the video a hawk calling?
The Princesses are safely in the Chicken Palace but if that is a hawk it is very nearby!
Maybe it isn’t a hawk - not raspy and drawn out enough?

I think that sounds like a female or juvenile Cooper's Hawk. But then, maybe I'm just 'seeing/hearing' Cooper's hawks every where due to them almost getting my sweet EE girl this spring

BTW: somehow, this exploration of potential Hawks led me to this...which ultimately distracted me from further sound comparisons with various hawks. These are the chickens' 'granddies'

a site with 16 common hawks of N. America
I always thought they had a call sort of like a cat meowing, in fact one day I went hunting for what I thought was a lost kitten! Only to realize it was a YBSapsucker😊

Silly tax
View attachment 3308521
Sure it wasn't a catbird??? 🤔

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