My fire pit stands empty too. Been too hot to enjoy an evening fire. And the neighbors house that burned down, is still a wreck and mess. Any smoke might panic everyone in the neighborhood.
Wise choice I would say. We are not allowed burning fires after dusk here.
Is there a reason for organic? Are you selling organic certified eggs?
There is glyposates (sp?) residuals in grains when round-up is used. They are really bad in general and MUCH more prevalent in food than most people realize. EWG considers anything above 160ppb unsafe. Cherrios has been tested and 729 ppb, higher for Honey Nut Cheerios. I prefer the no toxic route. Plus, by supporting organic farmers, bees have a better chance - and the environment in general, as organic farms usually use, at the least, cover cropping

I prefer to go with organic.

And, yes, I sell the eggs as organic.
@BY Bob ..........

Someone thought I could use another chicken:


I now have a Foghorn Leghorn:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate
That I can snuggle while recuperating🥰🥰
I really should remember to take my phone to the coop. Just went out and Eenie and the triplets are tucked up in their nest...Sheba and Manny were behind the little table in the corner, looking at Meanie, waiting for their evening snuggle. Meanie was most annoyed that she had no way back there but hopping up on the little platform and going over the top. After, I pulled it further out from the corner for them, but their look was just so, "WTF is this thing doing here? This is our spot!" So disgruntled. :gig
There is glyposates (sp?) residuals in grains when round-up is used. They are really bad in general and MUCH more prevalent in food than most people realize. EWG considers anything above 160ppb unsafe. Cherrios has been tested and 729 ppb, higher for Honey Nut Cheerios. I prefer the no toxic route. Plus, by supporting organic farmers, bees have a better chance - and the environment in general, as organic farms usually use, at the least, cover cropping

I prefer to go with organic.

And, yes, I sell the eggs as organic.
Yes they use Roundup on cereal grains to hasten the maturation and drying of the plants. Not sure about on soy bean, and doubt on corn.

Around here corn and soy bean are used for making Ethanol mostly, some is used for animal feeds as even Purina feeds are made here.

Wheat, oats, and barley are shipped to large storage facilities, and what isn’t used for animal feeds are shipped by ship, train or truck to wherever they send stuff.

Not sure but I think potatoes are also sprayed with roundup to hasten drying of the plant and keep the potatoes size a certain size. Potatoes around here are bought by Hostess chips, and they want a certain size, anything bigger or smaller is wasted! I used to go and pick over the fields and get bags of potatoes for the winter, but just mum and I so not worth it, and my sister won’t eat potatoes I pick from the fields… silly girl!

Well tonight I put the babies on the bottom ledge and they stayed put! Yay! I also picked up Turvy and had a talk with her, she was trying to roost on top of the sheets of plywood I have stockpiled in their pen, that’s a no no! When I put her down she gave me the stink eye hahaha, but she didn’t run away screaming blue murder so that’s good!

And the older chicks all went to bed without any fuss - being a bit later putting them to bed made a difference. And it’s a splendid evening, a good breeze, not cold or cool just ok, and it kept the hoards of mosquitoes at bay 😊 good horse and chicken weather.

And I saw stars in the sky - haven’t seen those in a while, it doesn’t get dark here till half past 9 and I am always beck inside by then. Tried to see some meteors but didn’t see any. Might get up early tomorrow and see if I can see any. Gets light around 5am so need to get up really early tho! Likely not gonna happen hahaha!

I have noticed the roosters don’t start crowing now until 5:40 past few mornings - like clock work!
I really should remember to take my phone to the coop. Just went out and Eenie and the triplets are tucked up in their nest...Sheba and Manny were behind the little table in the corner, looking at Meanie, waiting for their evening snuggle. Meanie was most annoyed that she had no way back there but hopping up on the little platform and going over the top. After, I pulled it further out from the corner for them, but their look was just so, "WTF is this thing doing here? This is our spot!" So disgruntled. :gig
Hahaha so expressive aren’t they 😁
I really should remember to take my phone to the coop. Just went out and Eenie and the triplets are tucked up in their nest...Sheba and Manny were behind the little table in the corner, looking at Meanie, waiting for their evening snuggle. Meanie was most annoyed that she had no way back there but hopping up on the little platform and going over the top. After, I pulled it further out from the corner for them, but their look was just so, "WTF is this thing doing here? This is our spot!" So disgruntled. :gig
I know that look quite well! My birds give me the look all the time :barnie
Weekly FBA chicken synopsis , 7 to 12 August.

@BY Bob
A terrifying Monday Mug :
Dual behaviour Hattie :

@bgmathteach has a new leghorn !

Reassured that all the chicks made it through Saturday night.
Butter had a set back but the chicks still doing good.
Cute climbing up the crate :
Chicoryblue is thinking of trying cellulase or a stool softener for Butter, who is having ups and downs.

@featherhead007 : happy birthday Alex ! He received a beautiful shirt from his brother
Jaffar was acting up on wednesday but a real gentlemen the following days.

@GregnLety announced several losses at the beginning of this week and the past one. The BR he had being caring for passed, and so did an EE. Two of his favourite roosters he had loaned for breeding were stolen. A sad and angry week for Greg and Lety.

Light is doing good, and the family especially her husband feel much better.
Posted an interesting picture she saw of a chicken cooling device

@Lilion : integration begins with difficulty, especially with her roo Mannie. There was some progress throughout the week.
Tres may be a cockerel :

@Marie2020 started Tina on a course of amoxicillin, worried about her lash egg.
(After some initial mistake with the dosage, advice was by all means not to shorten the number of days of antibiotics.)
She seems to be doing much better !
and is eating her heart out

@notabitail had very sad news : Abigail died Sunday. She was his very special Sussex. Here are some photos of her at 9 weeks, to help Rebecca Boyd compare to her Sussex chicks.

@Pastel The Rooster wrote a beautiful tribute to her guinea Eclipse who passed last week.

@Ponypoor :
Tuefer Tuesday :
Guess what bad Kelly did ?
Bad Kelly also got badly pecked and hurt in the eye and had to see an eye doctor as her cornea was scratched.
Shared a fierce protector video :
News from her latest flock addition, the Azure :
Some friday butts:

@RebeccaBoyd :
Posted pictures of moments between Grandma and the hooligans, incredibly expressive of a wide range of emotions when caring for Grandma is getting difficult again :
After some ugly fighting, the flock has a new Queen ! Hail to Queen Raven !

@RoyalChick :
Calypso carries Elie’s spirit high.
Thirsty chickens :
Someone is still crowing, but who ? Sylvie is decidedly a pullet.
And she would like to fly to the sky

@rural mouse
Thirsty cockerels :
A tutorial to catch bugs !

Valarief gave us some news of her flock and her health

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