The Spuds went right up on to the platform after filling up for the night and have been quietly resting, no scuffling around. Gentle peeps only!
Picture with the "night sight" on.
Happy pullets
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I'm dreading introducing them to roosting in the coop. Hoping that they'll find they can roost near or behind Butters, that she'll let them close enough. She doesn't chase at all, or peck them away very much. Hazel is a little stern with them. But Popcorn actively hunts them.
Awwwww soooo sweet 💕

Hopefully Popcorn just decides it’s too tiring the hunt them at roost time; Marty acted like a T-Rex hunting all the chicks, but once she went to roost in the evening they were fine. Sophia’s chicks roost with the big kids now on the ledge, Marty has been roosting in her ground floor residence 😊
The first days of integration are always the hardest. These little darlings will make it. You may just have to close your eyes occasionally. :hugs :hugs
Yes close you eyes and don’t watch the cameras!!

I am sure they will be fine, they have been around you ladies a lot and they all know each other; how big is your indoor space for your coop?
Could be. Though watching her just before dark on the camera, it seems like it is the rafters she is most interested in.
She looks but doesn’t actually fly up there.
Oh boy! Well now that’s interesting, I have noted that my young pullets want to be up on the summer house door, and the 6’ panels in there, and Petunia is up in the window.

I have to remove the girls on the door and Petunia in the window each evening now. I try to stop them from roosting on the panels but they just keep flying up there.

Once the young Roos are gone, I’ll remove the panels, I need them to finish the outdoor run.

But yep they sure can fly! And seems Ell-too is living up to her legacy of flying high she is the ring leader in roosting up high!
I haven't been on BYC much @ all. I have had a lot going on, not all of it pleasant.
My flock is down to 9. All the Vorwerks are gone. Can't say I'm sorry about that. They were a lot of trouble for not much positive. My only blue layer seems to have quit entirely. She laid 2 pigeon sized eggs @ the end of her moult but nothing since. The majority of my flock are now bantams & as soon as the weather warmed up just a little we got this...
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Ceres, Chavi & Titania sharing 1 fake egg. 🙄 I have so many broodies I have been considering putting eggs under them but it is so early in our season I don't think my supplier will be ready yet.

Ha'penny is up to her usual tricks & laying all over the yard.
The flock is super peaceful @ present but they do have a whole 1/2 acre all to themselves.​
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All so lovely 💕 they look so contented - and three broodies! I don’t think the got Queen Aurora’s decree that the hens need not be broody anymore this year 😊
All so lovely 💕 they look so contented - and three broodies! I don’t think the got Queen Aurora’s decree that the hens need not be broody anymore this year 😊
The Queen's Proclamation only covered the northern hemisphere. You should read it closer.


Like this?
View attachment 3633912
They've seen me with these sunglasses on (over my regular glasses), but never been close enough to inspect like that when I've had them on. So they had to!

Gosh they are so cute at that age aren’t they ❤️
Caught up again, at least for today.
Those of you that use shavings in your coop, do you use the small or large flake? Thinking about trying shavings for the winter instead of chopped straw.
View attachment 3641859
So, I use both. I use the larger flake in the run and under the coop (I have mostly raised coops), but use the small flake in the coop proper. The smaller flakes generally absorb better, the large flakes hold up better for loft and traffic and dampness (only part of my run has a roof, the rest is open to the elements.)

Do you use the deep litter method in the coop? If not, how deep do you keep the litter? AND - what is your density in the coop (i.e. sq. ft. per chicken) and how much - if any -protected run space do they have outside the coop (i.e. on rainy or bitter cold winter days when they might spend a significant amount of time in the coop - or do they have 'outside space' that has a roof and you put up wind breaks?

If you use the deep litter method and keep the litter pretty deep, I would probably use the larger flake. If, however, they spend a lot of time in the coop on miserable days, and the litter is less than, say 6" deep, I would probably go with the small flakes.

How often do you add litter? Do you use litter in your run? If you think you have the time (i.e. before you need to purchase enough bedding for the winter), buy one bag of each and put it out in the run in opposite ends, and see how it is after a week or two. Honestly, part of it is definitely personal - so experiment and see which YOU prefer before buying enough for the season.

Sorry, probably not the definitive answer you wanted :oops:

Shavings are cheaper than chopped straw, though!
All so lovely 💕 they look so contented - and three broodies! I don’t think the got Queen Aurora’s decree that the hens need not be broody anymore this year 😊
Actually, I have 5 broodies out of 9. World doesn't share with anyone & Tsuri was late to the party.:he @ BY Bob thinks they're hysterical.
I don't think he'd find them so funny if they were his! 🫤

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