He will be 4 on September 13th.
I don’t think that he has any health issues. He might have scaley mites though. Any tips on how to get rid of those? He’s always attacked my mom, but never me.
I guess I’ll actually have to weigh him. I’m guessing he’s around 8 or 9lbs though.

Last week he jumped up and spurred Mom in the knee.
I’m so done with his crap but I can’t stand the thought of killing him.
This is sounding like he does need to go for your Mom's safety. And 3 cockerels will be a problem when they reach idiocy phase. However, your big girls will help with that and the littles need to be with them (at least the boys) for the big girls to educate them well. Read the article and do some thinking.
My caturday girls
and Bootiful
Ever blue here has grown out differently. Even the twins Lark and Indigo...

View attachment 3836303View attachment 3836304That shimmer show up when the light reflects off of it. The way it wrapped around Indigo's tail in the top pic, and the way it reflects off of her back and breast, while the sides aren't showing it. When Zulu started popping the blue, it showed most in the reflective spots like the bottom pic of Indigo. Black doesn’t have that...until the green/purple shows up....later...

Edit: Lark and Indigo were both BLACK chicks...until the light hit the down just right. And as they feathered out, the light spots played peekaboo.
I will definitely look for that in the pictures and the next time I have them out. Great indicator, thank you!
I understand how you feel. You may need someone else to do the deed. If he has always attacked your mom, I can't say anything in his defense. It sounds like he could be dangerous. And please remember, it only takes a small wound to cause a nasty infection.
Also, while it may be hard to hand down a death sentence, your flock may be calmer, and your family will be less stressed when he is gone.
No one can make that decision but you and your family. Just know that no reasonable person will fault you for making that tough choice.
Yeah, I may know of a person who will take care of him… she gave me him, but she has over 100 chickens, and she culls them whenever they are ready or something.
I told Dad that I’m going to get rid of him, and he started laughing. He doesn’t think that I will. I sure hope he will let me 🙄 I keep telling him how I’m not sure if I can cull or rehome him, but that if he died of natural causes, I wouldn’t be sad.
I am so done with him though, so I’m going to talk to him in a little and see what I can do about it.
I'll share my perspective. Instead of instructing you on what to do, I'll explain what I did.

The first chickens I got were straight run, which meant some were roosters. Out of the 13 chicks, I was lucky that only 3 turned out to be roosters. When they started fighting, I decided to keep Oreo, a beautiful BCM. Things were going well until a few hens got out and Oreo couldn't fit through the hole because he was too big. One was taken by a hawk and he couldn't help her. After this incident, he became very aggressive towards humans, so I rehomed him as I did with the other two roosters. I hope they are doing well, but I'm not sure.

This left my flock without a rooster for a while. Surprisingly, my hens seemed fine and showed no signs of distress.

One downside was that without a rooster, the hens had no one to protect them while free-ranging. I had to limit their time out of the run to when I could be with them. Luckily, I had a large coop and run, so it wasn't a major issue for me.

I understand the fear as I was scared of Oreo too. I was worried he might harm my kids or visitors. That's why I decided to get rid of aggressive roosters. I now have two roosters raised by mature hens who get along well and are good with my kids. There were a couple of incidents where one rooster chased my son, but it never escalated and has stopped completely.

My approach is to remove aggressive roosters, especially if they are past the hormone surge phase, and focus on caring for the good ones. If your rooster is taking away the joy of having chickens, then maybe you should consider rehoming him.
I’m leaning towards getting rid of him. My girls don’t free range, so I’m not too worried about anything, knock on wood.
This is sounding like he does need to go for your Mom's safety. And 3 cockerels will be a problem when they reach idiocy phase. However, your big girls will help with that and the littles need to be with them (at least the boys) for the big girls to educate them well. Read the article and do some thinking.
Mhm. Mom hates him more than I do. She’s been a target of his attacks for much longer than me.
I do wish that he would grow out of it. I’m just not comfortable with him anymore.

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