Flystrike Please Help!


Nov 12, 2016
USA, Michigan
I noticed today that one of my hens has a huge wound covered in maggots right under her vent. I washed it out, picked out all of the maggots, put peroxide on it, then put screw worm medication on it, after that I put some peroxide diluted in water on it and got some dead tissue away. lastly I put antibacterial medication on it and bandaged it up.
Did I do this right?
will she be ok?
and I mainly wanted to ask if I should give her some nutri drench and if so how much?
You should probly isolate her. The other birds might be tempted to pick at it..chickens will peck at and cannalbize other chickens sometimes....fresh wounds and blood is an invitation to peck. I think any good antibiotic salve will help. Is it possible your other chickens may have started pecking her and it got worse? Read up on chicken cannibalism. I love nutridrench...its my go to remedy 4 everything. I keep triple antibiotic and furazone salve on hand...both work good for wounds.u can get horse furazone..comes in a jar...not yo costly and keeps well.
You should probly isolate her. The other birds might be tempted to pick at it..chickens will peck at and cannalbize other chickens sometimes....fresh wounds and blood is an invitation to peck. I think any good antibiotic salve will help. Is it possible your other chickens may have started pecking her and it got worse? Read up on chicken cannibalism. I love nutridrench...its my go to remedy 4 everything. I keep triple antibiotic and furazone salve on hand...both work good for wounds.u can get horse furazone..comes in a jar...not yo costly and keeps well.
I have some nitridrench and i want to give her some i just need to know how much to give her.
If she's really sick..u can put a drop or two in her mouth straight for emergency pick up. I usually use a water bottle and put one good squirt shake it up and put it in a dish for them to drink. If u don't have the pump bottle..normal dose is 1/2 oz per quart. I also sometimes add a bit of honey or sugar to it if they r not eating good
If she's really sick..u can put a drop or two in her mouth straight for emergency pick up. I usually use a water bottle and put one good squirt shake it up and put it in a dish for them to drink. If u don't have the pump bottle..normal dose is 1/2 oz per quart. I also sometimes add a bit of honey or sugar to it if they r not eating good
So would about two drops right in her mouth be good? and how often should i do this?
Well...shes already her down to give her the drops might cuz more stress. If she's eating and drinking on her own...i would just do it in her water. If u think she needs a it once...see how she does. If she's Shockley or stressed...make sure she is warm...when birds go into shock they do not always maintain body heat well..that makes things worse. If she feels cold...warm her up a bit...that will drastically improve her desire to eat.
Sometimes..i will offer it every 30 min to an hr Depending on the age..chicks i will offer it every 30 min. After the 1st time i give a drop or two full strength..i then mix a regular dose and use a dropper or syringe to drip a few drops on their beaks. Another trick I try is mealworms...sometimes..if I can't get a bird to eat ..dropping a live mealworm in front of it will stimulate them to eat...somethin about that wiggly bug in front of them turns on a switch in thier bird brains.
Well...shes already her down to give her the drops might cuz more stress. If she's eating and drinking on her own...i would just do it in her water. If u think she needs a it once...see how she does. If she's Shockley or stressed...make sure she is warm...when birds go into shock they do not always maintain body heat well..that makes things worse. If she feels cold...warm her up a bit...that will drastically improve her desire to eat.
I just gave her a few drops, she didn't seem to mind to much. I will see if it helps her out. What are some good foods to feed her to help her heal quicker?

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