Fortifying my coop


Feb 11, 2021
I built my coop in 2019 ... it's a small coop that basically just functions as a safe place for the chickens to sleep, and they have a separate large chicken tractor that they spend their days in. This has been a great coop; I never had any predators get into it until Friday when a very large bear ripped the hardware cloth off the back of the coop and killed all but one of my chickens. Our one survivor now spends her nights in a rabbit hutch locked in our garage, and her days in the chicken tractor. We got a friend for her yesterday so she won't be alone and are planning to get a few chicks in the spring.

Between now and then, I have to fortify my coop so something like this won't happen again. I'd like to be able to use the existing coop, which is made from 2x4s and hardware cloth, and just make it stronger somehow. I decided to put high-tension hotwire around the outside of it and strengthen the inside of it with something much harder to destroy than hardware cloth. I'll admit that I'm a terrible engineer, though.

At first I wanted to use the same steel kennel panels I used to build my rabbit barn, since the bear hasn't tried to get into that and it's right next door to my coop. But they come in standard sizes that are just a little too small to build a perimeter around the existing coop, so the only thing I could really do is tear down my old coop and put up the new panels, but then I would have to line them with hardware cloth and figure out how to make a floor, and that might be too big of a project for my family right now.

The other thing I was thinking was to put hog or cattle panels on the outside or inside of the coop, but if I was just stapling or screwing sections of that material down I think a bear might still be able to pull or push it off. Does anyone have any ideas? What have you done to bear-proof your coop (in addition to hotwire)? I've attached some pictures of the existing coop below.


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I am sorry about your chickens. :hugs

We have bear too but our coop is an Amish shed so impenetrable, but, for our beehives, we ran a solar electric fence. We layed bacon on the strands to entice the bear. It never came for it but destroyed several wild bird feeders. I learned they like sunflower seeds. Once we hung the feeders out of reach, she moved on. I say she because she has a cub and comes here every summer with a new one. I called DNR and they said they have a bear relocation unit should we desire them to come get her. You could maybe ask about that too.

I truly think to beat the bear, you need an electric fence. We got ours at Home Depot.
Electric. For dogs, cats, raccoons, bears. I have been using electric netting. It packs enough of a jolt to make me cautious. They make lights that flash on and off, a pair of red lights that look like eyes. I don't know if they would work in the daylight.

Dogs deter bears, if you can keep a dog in a large enough area with the chickens. Dog only has to bark.
Electric fencing, with a very hot charger, and the fence near a physical wall, and baited. See Premier1supplies for advice, and realize that a motivated bear can demolish a house wall or a car door (look at pictures!).Mary

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