I sure like the look of your Dampierre boys Trim...any chance you could get a couple of the girls too? Don't know if that would fit in with your plans or not (breeding or meat) but I'd just like to see them :D
I would like to get a couple girls! My plans are an ever shifting set of ideas that are always subject to change. :)

The only place I've seen them are GFF, at $60/ea for straight runs. The original owner does have a few pullets, but I don't know if they had another Damp cockerel. They where very nice people though, and I would have no problem driving back to buy some chicks or loan them a roo. :D
That might just be wishful thinking, but wish I do!
I would like to get a couple girls! My plans are an ever shifting set of ideas that are always subject to change. :)

The only place I've seen them are GFF, at $60/ea for straight runs. The original owner does have a few pullets, but I don't know if they had another Damp cockerel. They where very nice people though, and I would have no problem driving back to buy some chicks or loan them a roo. :D
That might just be wishful thinking, but wish I do!

$60 per bird seems steep (at least for my budget) but it would be fun if you could get some chicks!

Ah wishful thinking...I do that too :cool:
Thank IM!

In all honesty I'm new to meat birds, and just getting my plans/goals in order. I don't know what a proper diet would be yet. I just decided to raise some for slaughter a few weeks ago. A large portion of why I am going with the NNs are because of what you and @BlueBaby have said about them. How's that saying go... If you can't beat them, join them? No, that's not the one... Imitation is the highest form of flattery, or something like that. :D

I do have 1 Cornish X and it's been on game feed, but I'm not a big fan of that breeding. It just grows so fast, and disadvantaged. That poor thing is so ugly I almost want to just shoot it and to put it out of it's misery.

Currently my main flock consist of 22 ducks and 4 LF chickens. They free range all day and get supplemented with a mix of all flock and game bird feed. From what I understand that's roughly how the new boys have been raised too.

I'm just getting started too so I've done a lot of reading about the Cornish X in the meatie threads. A lot of what I've been reading has put me off. I don't have time to wash poopy butts and I like seeing the chickens out and about in the yard.

I was thinking about getting some game bird feed to supplement though, especially the Dorks but that would mean everyone of course. I hadn't considered that for the last batch of chicks and the boys may have been a bit heavier if I had so I'm going to try it this time.
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@Trimurtisan Those Dampirrie roo's look like they would make a good cross with the Naked Neck's. Keep in mind that in crossing them, while some chick's will hatch out as Naked Neck's with bib's, some of the chick's will hatch out with fully feathered neck's. That's ok though, because you could always sell the fully feathered necked one's, or use them to breed back to your Dampirre or a Naked Neck roo for future eggs.
I'm just getting started too so I've done a lot of reading about the Cornish X in the meatie threads. A lot of what I've been reading has put me off. I don't have time to wask poopy butts I lije seeing the chickens out and about in the yard.

I was thinking about getting some game bird feed to supplement though, especially the Dorks but that would mean everyone of course. I hadn't considered that for the last batch of chicks and the boys may have been a bit heavier if I had so I'm going to try it this time.
To each their own with the Cornish X. I can see why some people like them, but it's not a bird for me. I too like to see the chickens out scratching about. This butterball we've got here barley want to move away from the food dish. The amount of poop too! Holy crap!

The local feed store here just carries game feed for their broiler feed. I mix 1 part of all Flock for every 3 part of game feed for the birds here. Except the Cornish X it's on straight game feed, and ugly as sin.
@Trimurtisan Those Dampirrie roo's look like they would make a good cross with the Naked Neck's. Keep in mind that in crossing them, while some chick's will hatch out as Naked Neck's with bib's, some of the chick's will hatch out with fully feathered neck's. That's ok though, because you could always sell the fully feathered necked one's, or use them to breed back to your Dampirre or a Naked Neck roo for future eggs.
I so hope the naked neck phenos also have crests. :D
Their crests looks like they can still see just fine, almost like a flat top to me.
I so hope the naked neck phenos also have crests. :D
Their crests looks like they can still see just fine, almost like a flat top to me.
View attachment 1905999

I love the crests, they do look like flat tops. I'm looking forward to see the results of your breeding Trim.

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