Id love to see a pic of those mixes you are working on. I read it in your signature, and I always want to see what they look like. :pop

My hubby's camera is too confusing to me, but @igorsMistress want's to take picture's tomorrow of the parent's that I have over here tomorrow when she get's here.
I am now in contact with a guy with some turkens, and a pair of buff cochins. Im sure I will end up getting atleast the turkens. I want them because @Compost King sold out of his turken chicks pretty well, so I want to see if I can sell some chicks from these parents.

Yes, I'm afraid I'm responsible for some of that. Super excited!
I am now in contact with a guy with some turkens, and a pair of buff cochins. Im sure I will end up getting atleast the turkens. I want them because @Compost King sold out of his turken chicks pretty well, so I want to see if I can sell some chicks from these parents.

They are good meat bird's that lay egg's well also. They can be cross-bred into any other breed. Some are trying to cross them to make even bigger meat bird's out of them. There's less feathering, so less to have to pluck for the dinner table.
Went to lock up last night. 5/7 chicks were roosting on the little shade thing in the yard. The white ones of course, so they stuck out like sore thumbs. The EE cockerel was in the mini coop where he belongs and one Dorking was running around lost and alone.

Tomorrow I'll be picking up 2 Nn cockerels and a couple green eggs to hatch. @BlueBaby has a handsome new roo with lots of color and a bowtie rather than a bib. Will be different parents than the white chicks I have now.

Should be getting 25 shipped eggs soon, provided planetary alignment is in my favor View attachment 1923366 View attachment 1923368 They'll be Turken mixes, will post details when I get them.

I really need some wing bands so I can keep everyone straight if my hatches go well!

May the planets align and the force be with you IM!

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