I'm really bummed right now. I've been keeping an eye on my older dog Midge through September because I'd noticed some weight loss without loss of appetite, normal water intake. We weighed her this morning at 15.6 lbs and on 5/31 she weighed 19.2 lbs. We were in shock. The vet is running tests, all we know for now is that she isn't diabetic. Apparently she had slightly elevated liver enzymes in May but nothing significant enough to cause concern.

I'll see y'all later.

Hey IM, any update on Midge?
Hey IM, any update on Midge?

Hi NFC. Nothing from the vet yesterday, we should hear something tomorrow I hope. I have to follow her around with a little tray today to get a urine sample. Wish me luck on that, she's a sprinkler not a squat and pee in one place kind of dog.
Hi NFC. Nothing from the vet yesterday, we should hear something tomorrow I hope. I have to follow her around with a little tray today to get a urine sample. Wish me luck on that, she's a sprinkler not a squat and pee in one place kind of dog.

Wishing you lots of luck with getting the sample. I remember when I had to get a stool specimen from one of the house cats (not from the litter box)...I think the emotional scars still linger on poor Bam Bam :lol:
Wishing you lots of luck with getting the sample. I remember when I had to get a stool specimen from one of the house cats (not from the litter box)...I think the emotional scars still linger on poor Bam Bam :lol:

:gigYea I've had to do that too. DC was giving me filthy dirty looks for months afterward. I think cats hold a grudge longer than dogs.

Snaps from the park this morning.
View attachment 1886260

We raise chickens for dual purpose. Our first flock was just a few layers, but we added some larger birds to start breeding for meat as well. Then I saw a Turken and did a double take. I thought someone crossed a turkey with a chicken; I wanted a dozen! They were so ugly they were cute. Unfortunately Igor didn't find them at all attractive and said no way. My whole family thought I was crazy, so I gave up.

After losing a few of those bigger birds to heat during the summer, I was able to convince Igor that Turkens would be a good fit despite their appearance. Not only do they have naked necks, but less overall feathering. A huge advantage for our climate, not to mention plucking.

We added two Turken pullets that fall, and the following Summer our beautiful boy Fugly (pictured above) was hatched under a broody. He was a Turken/Bresse mix and a great rooster. I'm sure you can guess where the name comes from,. I found him beautiful, but Igor did not and the name stuck.

Sadly, Fugly and his flock got sick with an unknown illness shortly after we hatched a dozen chicks this summer. We suspect but have not confirmed Marek's. We felt the best decision would be to put the older birds down so we did it all at once, and now we're starting over.

Fugly had a sweet disposition that won Igor over and our love for this wonderful breed lives on because of him and the two hens we had.

This thread is about our new adventure in raising dual purpose birds with our primary focus on Turkens, but other breeds may be added from time to time.

I hope you'll join in with your own flock stories and share your experiences as well.
Thank you for sharing. I am sorry for your loss but this is a nice story. Best love and luck to your family and birds.

I don't eat mine (I don't eat poultry at all) but I do love turkens!
Thank you for sharing. I am sorry for your loss but this is a nice story. Best love and luck to your family and birds.

I don't eat mine (I don't eat poultry at all) but I do love turkens!
View attachment 1927506

Hi Wally! What a handsome little boy you have there.

Thank you much for the well wishes.

I understand not eating your chickens. We all have them for different reasons. If you'd told me a couple of years ago that I would be on this particular path, I would have said you're crazy :idunno
Hi Wally! What a handsome little boy you have there.

Thank you much for the well wishes.

I understand not eating your chickens. We all have them for different reasons. If you'd told me a couple of years ago that I would be on this particular path, I would have said you're crazy :idunno
You seem very delightful and friendly. Thank you for the kind words as well.
It's not that I don't eat 'my' chickens. I don't eat any poultry.
As you say, we all do our own thing. Our own paths that work for us. It's just pleasant to be able to share with one another in the community.
You seem very delightful and friendly. Thank you for the kind words as well.
It's not that I don't eat 'my' chickens. I don't eat any poultry.
As you say, we all do our own thing. Our own paths that work for us. It's just pleasant to be able to share with one another in the community.

Yes it is! Do you hatch your own eggs? I love the deep brown in your cockerel.

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