@igorsMistress The chick's are looking good! They are a pretty colorful batch. I had my second one hatch a bit ago. It's pretty wet, but look's like it will be a black one. The one from yesterday is white.

@N F C Keep that pumpkin avatar. It will help to remind me to go buy a pumpkin for my flock.

@Trimurtisan Sorry that you had to do that to your 2 dog's. It's a had decision to make, but you also have to look at the quality of life that they would have. Just know that you gave them love and cared for them, and they didn't have a bad owner.
The chicks outside have managed not to get into it with the big girls so far. I put the solid fronts on the big coop, it's considerably warmer in there and I'm finding the deep litter helps a lot. We've had variable winds even into the night and our temps have dropped into the 40s by morning.

I cleaned the bigger brooder to move the wee ones on Thursday. Today after work I'll be cleaning the mini coop but I'm still leaving it open until the weekend so the outside chicks can adjust to housing. The wee ones will go outside over the weekend and I'll do a head count.

There are carrots, peas and curly mustard growing in the garden.

Igor has snapped a tendon in his ankle so my list of things to do is long. :frow

Yes, it was pretty chilly last night. I was content to sit with a throw covering my leg's, but hubby decided to turn the heater on.
The chicks outside have managed not to get into it with the big girls so far. I put the solid fronts on the big coop, it's considerably warmer in there and I'm finding the deep litter helps a lot. We've had variable winds even into the night and our temps have dropped into the 40s by morning.

I cleaned the bigger brooder to move the wee ones on Thursday. Today after work I'll be cleaning the mini coop but I'm still leaving it open until the weekend so the outside chicks can adjust to housing. The wee ones will go outside over the weekend and I'll do a head count.

There are carrots, peas and curly mustard growing in the garden.

Igor has snapped a tendon in his ankle so my list of things to do is long. :frow

Sorry to hear about your husband's injury. OUCH! Is that something that takes surgery to fix?

Decided to move the chicks this afternoon. I managed to get the incubator cleaned this morning and it's all put away. We have 13 chicks, one possible early cull. The one of concern from the first 3 that hatched is doing fine. I'm giving this other a few days before making any decision. It eats so I'm hopeful.

Decided to move the chicks this afternoon. I managed to get the incubator cleaned this morning and it's all put away. We have 13 chicks, one possible early cull. The one of concern from the first 3 that hatched is doing fine. I'm giving this other a few days before making any decision. It eats so I'm hopeful.

Very cute! Hope the one is ok.

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