Been building a new coop with my free time and barely spending time on BYC. I had to catch up on those new chicks. At 2 weeks old I am finding some of the eggs that were labeled MNN and FNN are growing a bit faster than the others. Both of their parents were half Red Ranger so there should be some real decent size and growth rate on some of them.

2 weeks old, Dominique chick vs MNN (Naked Neck x Red Ranger) x (Dorking x Red Ranger) The White one is a male because that particular cross just happened to be Red Sex Links. The Females are not quite as big.
My Brain is mush from lack of sleep I may have my MNN's and FNN's mixed up, I am no longer producing these crosses and the memory is fleeting. Currently my half awake brain is on my Leghorn pattern crossing project.
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2 weeks old, Dominique chick vs MNN (Naked Neck x Red Ranger) x (Dorking x Red Ranger) The White one is a male because that particular cross just happened to be Red Sex Links. The Females are not quite as big.
My Brain is mush from lack of sleep I may have my MNN's and FNN's mixed up, I am no longer producing these crosses and the memory is fleeting. Currently my half awake brain is on my Leghorn pattern crossing project.

Wow! That is a big difference in size for being the same age! Yes, you did mention to me before that the MNN's were the sex-linked one's.
I forgot to add that they were all the same size at hatch or close to it. This is 2 weeks in. I am going to take more pictures and try to guess/remember which chick is what. None of my NN's in my hatch survived. I am actually getting 3 eggs a day after rotating in new girls but the Rooster is molting, and a Molting Naked neck is hilarious looking, or scary looking if I did not know it was a Molt. I heard that fertility isn't so strong in a molting Rooster. I have enough hatched out already that if I do not get many to hatch next hatch I won't exactly be behind schedule.
I'm sorry none of the Nn made it this time. At least you won't be behind schedule.

I ended up with 2 white Nn's from my hatch. The rest are about half red and half mostly white so if the MNN are sex linked I got about a 50/50 mix.

The wind is howling like mad, really glad I have the older chicks in the big coop already. I have to go put the patio umbrella down...
Integration of the older chicks seems to be going ok so far. This morning I waited until after it was light outside to open the pop door. No one looks like they got beat up so that's a plus. The chicks are still going to the mini coop to roost so I'm going to close it off tomorrow and see if they'll go into the big coop on their own.

The wee ones are doing great. There was one in each hatch that I had concerns about but they seem fine. Hopefully by Sunday I can move them outside to the mini coop.

Abby is still my constant companion. She's still there at the back door waiting for me when I come in from chores and spends much of her time laying on my feet while I work. Frank still spends time with me, but hangs out with hubs too. He takes over the blankets we piled up to elevate the ankle and snuggles in to sleep until I'm off work, then all hell breaks loose because he's so well rested.

I'm off work today so I'm taking the pups to the park, then have some cleaning to do and dinner to cook. No handing out candy for us tonight, Igor is broken and I follow a Pagan path and don't do that.
Integration of the older chicks seems to be going ok so far. This morning I waited until after it was light outside to open the pop door. No one looks like they got beat up so that's a plus. The chicks are still going to the mini coop to roost so I'm going to close it off tomorrow and see if they'll go into the big coop on their own.

The wee ones are doing great. There was one in each hatch that I had concerns about but they seem fine. Hopefully by Sunday I can move them outside to the mini coop.

Abby is still my constant companion. She's still there at the back door waiting for me when I come in from chores and spends much of her time laying on my feet while I work. Frank still spends time with me, but hangs out with hubs too. He takes over the blankets we piled up to elevate the ankle and snuggles in to sleep until I'm off work, then all hell breaks loose because he's so well rested.

I'm off work today so I'm taking the pups to the park, then have some cleaning to do and dinner to cook. No handing out candy for us tonight, Igor is broken and I follow a Pagan path and don't do that.

Glad to hear all the young ones are doing well IM!

Have they set a date for your DH's surgery?

Enjoy your day off and the dog park!

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