I absolutely love your chickens! I found turkens, but I'm thinking long and hard if I want to add them to my flock. I don't want them to be singled out and picked on.
Funny. The bearded Easter Eggers had their beards and ear muffs picked off. They've been half naked all summer. Still haven't caught who is doing it, but both bearded girls appear to be near the bottom of the pecking order.
I absolutely love your chickens! I found turkens, but I'm thinking long and hard if I want to add them to my flock. I don't want them to be singled out and picked on.
Thank you! I haven't had that experience with my flock, but each has its own dynamic. You won't know unless you try.
I absolutely love your chickens! I found turkens, but I'm thinking long and hard if I want to add them to my flock. I don't want them to be singled out and picked on.

I wouldn't worry about the Turken's getting picked on. They stand up for themselves when they need to. Let me tell you what happened here today. My NN rooster was going to try to breed one of my NN hen's, but I guess that she wasn't in the mood. She turned around and stood up to my rooster, and he ran away from her. :lau
Do you think the chickens got the pigeon IM?

That is one messy looking egg!
No, not the chickens. They tend to beat them up and I'm not sure they could remove the head. Since it was under cover I'm guessing a neighborhood cat could have found it there after dark and done it. Maybe an owl? There should be owlets learning to hunt.

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