I suspect these :rantpigeons aren't helping and the older birds were exposed to my prior flock so who the :rantknows?
Is this where you blew up? I'll be nice and not say what my opinion is of pigeons, I'm getting ready to completely bird net my runs, the little birds (sparrows?) are getting in there. You'll do what is best for your flock, is Marack's something that will stay alive in the ground for a while like parvo?
Forgiven, we all have our bad day's.

4 of these last chick's that hatched over here are feathering in with some interesting feather pattern's. They hatched from Carmella's egg's. I'm going to grow them out to see. Carmella's a cream colored naked neck hen.
That little roo from Roger has some nice colors coming in
Is this where you blew up? I'll be nice and not say what my opinion is of pigeons, I'm getting ready to completely bird net my runs, the little birds (sparrows?) are getting in there. You'll do what is best for your flock, is Marack's something that will stay alive in the ground for a while like parvo?
Marek's can come in on wild birds, dust, etc. Birds shed the virus in their dander. I'm not sure how long it can live, months? I know for a fact there are other chicken keepers nearby. Any birds that are vaccinated can leak the virus, ie spread it to other birds, and never show symptoms...the vaccine doesn't prevent the virus it masks the symptoms only. I don't vaccinate but others do and those flying :rant rats could certainly mingle with other chickens and then come to my house. I'm seriously considering keeping my flock in a run and I hate that.
I don't vaccinate but others do and those flying :rant rats could certainly mingle with other chickens and then come to my house. I'm seriously considering keeping my flock in a run and I hate that.

You could possibly try trapping them, there are diy traps shown on line, or get your skills with a bb gun up and start shooting them. I've had to quit feeding my wild birds which is why I think they started coming around to my coop, thankfully the pigeons decided to move on.
You could possibly try trapping them, there are diy traps shown on line, or get your skills with a bb gun up and start shooting them. I've had to quit feeding my wild birds which is why I think they started coming around to my coop, thankfully the pigeons decided to move on.
We've thought about shooting or trapping. They are legal to shoot during dove season only, we are both skilled in that regard. I don't feed the wild birds but my neighbor dumps a huge pile of food in his yard for them. If I trap or shoot more will just come to take their place I think.

For now I have gravity feeders they pretty much can't get at but they are incessantly trying anyway. They come if I toss anything on the ground for my flock and visit the waterers too. Once I no longer have the youngsters I can raise the feeders, maybe that will help through the summer.

I've taken to keeping the pressure nozzle on my hose with the water left on. I go out and see them on my roof, or doing a flyover to scope out the snacks, they get a jetstream of water, airborn or not.
We put down the roo with the limp last night. He was in a nest box all by himself, no struggling as I picked him up and carried him to the garden. RIP little guy.

We're beginning some major renovations in the main coop and I'll be whitewashing the interior this weekend.

The roost and ramp need replacements. I've decided to drop the roost height and shorten it so it doesn't extend over the nest box, which will reduce the grade of the ramp and I think that will be good. To keep poop from accumulating on the block that forms the foundation of the coop the roost will be extended out from the wall a little bit further than it is now. I'm ditching the poop boards, I had concerns about the dust from those before and it's expensive to buy pdz. I don't like the way it smells and I feel like garbage for a while after I poop scoop. The deep litter has been quite successful on the floor and smells so good after stirring in comparison. The nest box will need to be modified as well but has to stay in the same corner. I think we'll shorten the one we have to 2 nests and add another next to the pop door. I'd like to use the lattice I have to make a curved top for the nests and still use it for dividers since air flow is good with it. The litter in the coop will move to the yard where it'll protect little feet from hot dirt and small rocks in summer.

Have a good weekend.

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