I wish we lived closer, I would definitely want to take a few of your chicks.

Will you be getting Buns a friend or will she be your only? If it's just the one rabbit, I wouldn't think the feed cost would be much? Plus you have a garden and rabbits love that sort of thing.
Just the one. She doesn't get along with the bunny my son had and I don't want her to go to the pound. She and another bunny were on craigslist for a couple of months. Everyone wants babies.
Just the one. She doesn't get along with the bunny my son had and I don't want her to go to the pound. She and another bunny were on craigslist for a couple of months. Everyone wants babies.

I've read of some people keeping their pet rabbits in the same area as their chickens. Will she be mingling with the flock? (I have no idea if that's good or bad, just wondered is all.)
I've read of some people keeping their pet rabbits in the same area as their chickens. Will she be mingling with the flock? (I have no idea if that's good or bad, just wondered is all.)
I'm going to put her in the mini coop when weather permits but I have a bunny hutch I can keep inside in summer. I've read that letting them co-mingle isn't usually a problem so I'm going to give it a try.

Getting the bunny space ready. I put the hutch inside a portable dog kennel. If I can box train her I'm going to add a ramp so she can use the floor space in there too. The tile will be nice and cool for her in summer.

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