I have a Rose of Sharon from a million ago. It was called Blue Bird but, after the first winter it died down to the "graft," still blooms every year but oddly the one bush has white, pink and also a blah sort of blue flowers scattered around.

I also have a tiny one someone threw out in the field, I rescued it and it's growing okay has white flowers with a red throat. Rose of Sharon grows like weeds here, you see them on every block. They do go limp when it is hot and dry but, revive after sunset or with a good drink of water. BTW Hummingbirds love them and we even get Hummingbird Moths (ughly brown).
Thanks for the tips DD. We'll see if this one lives through summer. I put hay, bunny poop, worm poop and potting soil in the hole.

As for calling the dogs pups...it used to drive my SIL insane that I used the words puppies or pups when I talked about our dogs. She said puppies are babies and dogs are adults. I said they're my babies and get over it lol.
Harvested a bunch of artichokes today

Grass frame. I filled the pool with moisture control dirt and added a few handfuls of worm castings, sprinkled in the seed, then covered with some miracle grow potting soil. I put some bird netting over the top and clipped it on. The clips are from plastic pants hangers we got from the store. Then I put the grass frame on top in case someone decides they want to jump up there.


The shade garden. I cut back some of the artichoke leaves and I'm going to plant Gladiolus tomorrow.


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Ms. Hop Tart has had a few days to get used to things. She is much more comfortable with me going into her enclosure, stays out to sniff me, etc but not quite ok with petting or holding yet. We'll get there. No issues with things she's had to eat. I gave her 3 small grapes yesterday and she's hammering on the fresh greens. I bought mustard and bok choy, she'll share with my chickens. She likes romaine, spring mix and I bought her some baby arugula. I have nasturtiums, dill, cilantro and basil in my garden so those will be added in the future. I've read they can have artichokes so I may cut off some of the smaller leaves and offer those later this week. Our hours coincide nicely. I'm a very early riser so I give her fresh greens first thing in the morning and give her some pellets. At dusk she gets another handful of greens and I think that's when I'll offer her a bit of fruit. I am thrilled that she's litter trained. No potty messes anywhere but where she's supposed to go. Next weekend we build her new pen and the following week her hideout will be delivered. I've read some DIY stuff to make rabbit toys and have some ideas.
That's great Hop Tart is fitting in so well!

(She eats arugula? She's a braver girl than me, that stuff is bitter!)
I was surprised but she seems to like it. I've been picking the most of the spinach out of the spring mix and replacing it with the arugula. Some greens are supposed to be limited because they have a lot of oxalic acid.

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