The world some how got turned upside down, I can't sell my house because of it (no buyers) and a meat shortage is about to hit us... so might as well start raising meat birds to kill time until the chaos has ended... so I am back!

I have been wondering if you were ok, and I'm glad to see that you are still with us! I hope that you will be able to get some of the line of bird's back that you were working with. I only ended up with one of your FNN's hatching, but it's now layng egg's for me. She has 5 toes on one foot, and 4 toes on the other. I named her Five.
I have been wondering if you were ok, and I'm glad to see that you are still with us! I hope that you will be able to get some of the line of bird's back that you were working with. I only ended up with one of your FNN's hatching, but it's now layng egg's for me. She has 5 toes on one foot, and 4 toes on the other. I named her Five.
I have to start from scratch. Besides my last run with chickens was experimental and this time a potential meat shortage means doing things the semi-commercial way. After I move I can possibly get back a lot of my genetics because I am in contact with the people I sold birds to. The guy who got my Ayam Cemanis I held them until he could save up the money and was very thankful. He said I can get free hatching eggs from him when I start back up.
I have to start from scratch. Besides my last run with chickens was experimental and this time a potential meat shortage means doing things the semi-commercial way. After I move I can possibly get back a lot of my genetics because I am in contact with the people I sold birds to. The guy who got my Ayam Cemanis I held them until he could save up the money and was very thankful. He said I can get free hatching eggs from him when I start back up.

Well, I owe you some egg's also, so whenever you are ready for them let me know and I will try to ship some to you. I kept the inside boxes and packing stuff.
Flock update
The rooster has managed to mate with a few girls. I've noticed he and one of the red girls hang out quite a bit. He went after the white and black pullet last night and in the midst of mating he was attacked by the red Nn girl. She literally shoved him off and stalked away :gigEveryone seems to be coming together though. They all hang out and the only time I see any pecking is when food is involved, nothing major. Roost time sounds rough but I'm letting them work it out. Talked to the kid who is taking the 4 red girls; showed him my coops, the feed I use and explained what I'm doing for the heat. The chicks are getting big!
Garden update
I bought some hay for mulching and put a bunch down. I need to add some around a few bushes tomorrow along with some other chores. The grass in the pool is tall enough that the chickens can get to some of it and the bare spots in the dog yard are filling in quite nicely. The glads are getting tall, some around 8 to 10 inches already. Rabbit poop and worm castings seem to be the ticket.
Flock update
The rooster has managed to mate with a few girls. I've noticed he and one of the red girls hang out quite a bit. He went after the white and black pullet last night and in the midst of mating he was attacked by the red Nn girl. She literally shoved him off and stalked away :gigEveryone seems to be coming together though. They all hang out and the only time I see any pecking is when food is involved, nothing major. Roost time sounds rough but I'm letting them work it out. Talked to the kid who is taking the 4 red girls; showed him my coops, the feed I use and explained what I'm doing for the heat. The chicks are getting big!
Garden update
I bought some hay for mulching and put a bunch down. I need to add some around a few bushes tomorrow along with some other chores. The grass in the pool is tall enough that the chickens can get to some of it and the bare spots in the dog yard are filling in quite nicely. The glads are getting tall, some around 8 to 10 inches already. Rabbit poop and worm castings seem to be the ticket.

I bet you laughed when the red NN hen pushed him off of the other girl. How is Lacy doing? You didn't mention her.

The mailman told me that he seen a huge rat snake 4 doors south of me this morning. It better stay over there if it values it's life. I had that one that ate 2 of my chick's in the grow out pen last fall.

My hatch wasn't supposed to start until tomorrow, but a couple of the NN's decided that they didn't want to wait, and are now in the brooder.
I bet you laughed when the red NN hen pushed him off of the other girl. How is Lacy doing? You didn't mention her.

The mailman told me that he seen a huge rat snake 4 doors south of me this morning. It better stay over there if it values it's life. I had that one that ate 2 of my chick's in the grow out pen last fall.

My hatch wasn't supposed to start until tomorrow, but a couple of the NN's decided that they didn't want to wait, and are now in the brooder.
I did laugh, out loud! She is doing fine, integrating well. She hangs out with the chicks or her brother mostly but the older girls are starting to accept her.

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