I had a couple of chick's that hatched the other day that the chick fuzz look's like Candy's did at that age, but they didn't hatch from brown egg's like Candy did. One of the Barnevelder's layed another double yolked egg again, and that thing was huge. The shape of it was perfect though, but she must have had to push hard to get it out. She was the one that went broody, and then the dark eyed NN girl went broody while I was trying to break the Barnevelder one.
have you been leaving your cell in the coop? lol, or did mine call yours first?
It's gonna get too darn hot again soon. I worry about them sitting in there all day without water etc.
how do you get them to drink during their broodiness, I've got Rose in a broody coop with food and water, doesn't look like she's gotten up though, I need to move Pearl out to her's this evening, I'm wondering if I ought to just start taking them out of the nest and putting them outside.
how do you get them to drink during their broodiness, I've got Rose in a broody coop with food and water, doesn't look like she's gotten up though, I need to move Pearl out to her's this evening, I'm wondering if I ought to just start taking them out of the nest and putting them outside.
I thought I answered I'm sorry. I just left water nearby but this time the heat broke her. It was just too hot.
We had some very strong wind Monday and my mesquite tree fell over. Since it was trouble from the beginning I pulled it out this morning and replaced with a tall growing bush. Planted 2 junipers too. None of them are appealing to the chickens. Marked off the border for the xeriscape garden so I can finish the walkway to the veggie garden. Put the top back on the pool so the grass can grow back.

I have red fairy duster seeds, hopefully I'll get enough to sprout that I can plant a couple in there along with with a yellow Mexican bird of paradise and a shrub that blooms with white flowers that I'm still looking for. The Etsy seller I got the fairy duster seeds from included a packet of shasta daisies. My plan is to spread the rocks along the wall out into the bed and mulch with hay. I'll test the daisies for chicken hardiness and if they make the cut I'll plant along the wall maybe.
We had some very strong wind Monday and my mesquite tree fell over. Since it was trouble from the beginning I pulled it out this morning and replaced with a tall growing bush. Planted 2 junipers too. None of them are appealing to the chickens. Marked off the border for the xeriscape garden so I can finish the walkway to the veggie garden. Put the top back on the pool so the grass can grow back.
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I have red fairy duster seeds, hopefully I'll get enough to sprout that I can plant a couple in there along with with a yellow Mexican bird of paradise and a shrub that blooms with white flowers that I'm still looking for. The Etsy seller I got the fairy duster seeds from included a packet of shasta daisies. My plan is to spread the rocks along the wall out into the bed and mulch with hay. I'll test the daisies for chicken hardiness and if they make the cut I'll plant along the wall maybe.

I hope the Shasta daisies do well for you IM, they're such pretty flowers and they'll come back every year (at least, they did for me in Kansas). Flowering shrubs are so nice, you get both the greenery and flowers all on one plant.
I hope the Shasta daisies do well for you IM, they're such pretty flowers and they'll come back every year (at least, they did for me in Kansas). Flowering shrubs are so nice, you get both the greenery and flowers all on one plant.
I believe they would be perennial in my climate, no snow. They're pretty little things, I may just toss the seeds out front and see what happens.

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