Yeah she might be doing that, but they probably have a salad there she likes too lol.

She did research into how diet impacts risks for cancer to come back and made those decisions herself. She says that doctors just want to treat you, make their money and send you on your way and they don’t tell you things like that so you have to do your own research. She’s mostly plant based now but avoiding soy. I’m hoping my fermented blueberries come out good because I’ve read they make a great spread for corn on the cob and I want to take her some to try.

In a way, I agree with her about doctors. I think they get lazy and just keep telling people what they know and not go to a lot of trouble to learn new stuff (I'm sure there are those that do, but that's been my experience).

How long do you have to ferment the berries before using?
In a way, I agree with her about doctors. I think they get lazy and just keep telling people what they know and not go to a lot of trouble to learn new stuff (I'm sure there are those that do, but that's been my experience).

How long do you have to ferment the berries before using?
A week to ten days I think. I’m going to try them this morning and see how they taste. They are fermented with salt not sugar so no alcohol smell. I may need to leave them a bit longer because the temps are cooler though.
A week to ten days I think. I’m going to try them this morning and see how they taste. They are fermented with salt not sugar so no alcohol smell. I may need to leave them a bit longer because the temps are cooler though.

Salt and no sugar? No blueberry wine for you I guess :cool:
I found 3 or 4 more anthill's on the back part of the property yesterday, so I doused them with the Permethrin 10 mix that I use. Hopefully I got them all now. I'm looking forward to what they say that our temp's will be next week.
Me too, I’m over the triple digits already!
I’m sorry you’re dealing with ants, I am too. I was watering out by the compost pile and the darn things are all over around one of my shrubs out there. I’m going to spray one night next week after I follow them and figure out where their mound is.
Well, I found where the ants live...under one of the bricks I was using to hold down a wire cage that is around my shrub. I poured a little bit of straight permethrin on their holes there and there are no ants this morning. It was a beautiful 66* when I opened up the coop, I even had a few goose bumps by the time I went back inside; still wearing shorts and tank top though.
Went to dinner with my folks and sister Marcy last night at Longhorn Steak House. I had salmon and Brussels sprouts, not bad but we do better at home.
time to take the pups to the park, have a great day.
Well, I found where the ants live...under one of the bricks I was using to hold down a wire cage that is around my shrub. I poured a little bit of straight permethrin on their holes there and there are no ants this morning. It was a beautiful 66* when I opened up the coop, I even had a few goose bumps by the time I went back inside; still wearing shorts and tank top though.
Went to dinner with my folks and sister Marcy last night at Longhorn Steak House. I had salmon and Brussels sprouts, not bad but we do better at home.
time to take the pups to the park, have a great day.

Hope that takes care of the ants IM! Brr, tank top and shorts 🥶

Have a good morning at the pup park!

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