Oh no, poor thing 😥 here's some hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗 its going to take time to heal, it looks pretty bad.
:love Thank you Sue
It didn’t damage her chest wall or the muscle so it’s all skin damage. I’m sure she’s sore but it’s not too bad really. It looks worse I think because she’s white.
She got into it with another dog and Frank but she got the worst of it. She didn’t start it but she helped her brother when he got involved.
She has a drain, five stitches and more antibiotics and pain pills.

Poor baby (and poor you too). Did this happen at the dog park?

I hope she makes a speedy recovery :hugs
Sorry that has happened to her @igorsMistress If it happened at the dog park, I hope the other dog got a bit of damage too. You just can't trust how other people's dog's will be. I hope that she heal's up fast. I don't ever take Buster to a dog park, and he has a big section of an electric fence to run around in anyway's here. The fence keep's him in and other dog's and coyotes out.
Poor baby (and poor you too). Did this happen at the dog park?

I hope she makes a speedy recovery :hugs
Thank you :loveNo, it was at home. Frank thought he was protecting one of the boys from their dog Layla and he got into it with her and Abby jumped in to help and she was the only one hurt. Frank grew up in a calm environment and he sometimes thinks he has to protect the humans from the interloper dog that is allowed to roam his home. Layla just likes to chase her boys and play with them and Aiden didn’t think and went running through the house. That’s all it took.
Sorry that has happened to her @igorsMistress If it happened at the dog park, I hope the other dog got a bit of damage too. You just can't trust how other people's dog's will be. I hope that she heal's up fast. I don't ever take Buster to a dog park, and he has a big section of an electric fence to run around in anyway's here. The fence keep's him in and other dog's and coyotes out.
Thanks lady, :hugsnot at the park it was a fight at home.
Thank you :loveNo, it was at home. Frank thought he was protecting one of the boys from their dog Layla and he got into it with her and Abby jumped in to help and she was the only one hurt. Frank grew up in a calm environment and he sometimes thinks he has to protect the humans from the interloper dog that is allowed to roam his home. Layla just likes to chase her boys and play with them and Aiden didn’t think and went running through the house. That’s all it took.

That must have been upsetting for everyone. Keep us posted on how Abby is doing, hope she heals quickly.

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