I made the decision to cull my flock. I’ve had a ton of wild pigeons die in my yard this year, some of them I could hear rattling when they were breathing and I started hearing it in my flock. I’ll sanitize the coops and remove all the bedding, not composting it just throwing it away; also will take off the shade screens and let the sun into the coops until Spring. By then we’ll have a bird net over the coop yard and I can get some hatching eggs from my son.
See you next Spring.
I made the decision to cull my flock. I’ve had a ton of wild pigeons die in my yard this year, some of them I could hear rattling when they were breathing and I started hearing it in my flock. I’ll sanitize the coops and remove all the bedding, not composting it just throwing it away; also will take off the shade screens and let the sun into the coops until Spring. By then we’ll have a bird net over the coop yard and I can get some hatching eggs from my son.
See you next Spring.

Sorry IM, the bird netting over the coop yard should help next year.

You aren't really leaving us until next Spring are you?
Sorry IM, the bird netting over the coop yard should help next year.

You aren't really leaving us until next Spring are you?
Thanks Debby. I sure hope having a covered run will help. I don’t know what else to do though and the pigeons are definitely a problem. They get sick and hang out with the food and water in the yard, then can’t fly away but run behind the coops where I can’t catch them until they’re so sick they can hardly move or they just die back there. I even had one die sitting on the edge of the roof. I chased it and it flew to the roof which must have been its last effort because it was dead in the same spot later that day.

Not leaving the site, but probably won’t update my thread too much except buns and pups.
Thanks Debby. I sure hope having a covered run will help. I don’t know what else to do though and the pigeons are definitely a problem. They get sick and hang out with the food and water in the yard, then can’t fly away but run behind the coops where I can’t catch them until they’re so sick they can hardly move or they just die back there. I even had one die sitting on the edge of the roof. I chased it and it flew to the roof which must have been its last effort because it was dead in the same spot later that day.

Not leaving the site, but probably won’t update my thread too much except buns and pups.

Buns and pups are good! :love

That's awful about the pigeons, I understand why you're cleaning house.
I'm sorry that is happening to you @igorsMistress I haven't noticed any pigeon's over here, but there's some doves, grackles, and sparrow's. All of my chicken's seem to be doing well and are healthy. I have been sitting out there more with them again now that it hasn't been as hot and I don't have to take care of the neighbor's animal's. I was just holding the smallest Dorking pullet that I've been calling Baby Girl yesterday afternoon. She was that last girl that I got in the batch, and I think she's a little bit younger than the other one's. The dark eyed NN hen still like's to talk to me when I go in there, and the Cowgirl has started trying to be chatty with me too.
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I'm sorry to hear about your flock, IM. That's terrible. Do you know what the pigeons are sick with? Mareks?

Big hugs, in any case :hugs
Thanks Meg :love
I have no idea but I’m certain it’s not Marek’s. These birds are exhibiting respiratory symptoms and usually a Marek’s case will present with paralysis and/or tumors. I can’t cull just one bird and send for a necropsy because the lab isn’t doing them right now so feel like culling all and starting fresh is probably the best bet in this case. Whatever it is, the only symptoms are the rattling when they breathe that gradually gets worse, some sneezes and now the sicker birds are showing less interest in food. I almost thought maybe the roo or the rescue girls brought something into the flock but I don’t think so. The roo never exhibited any symptoms and the rescue girls weren’t the first to get sick with this thing. So I’m inclined to believe that since the pigeons were showing the same symptoms that it’s something being passed by them. They could certainly be bringing it from another flock around here as well.
Thanks Meg :love
I have no idea but I’m certain it’s not Marek’s. These birds are exhibiting respiratory symptoms and usually a Marek’s case will present with paralysis and/or tumors. I can’t cull just one bird and send for a necropsy because the lab isn’t doing them right now so feel like culling all and starting fresh is probably the best bet in this case. Whatever it is, the only symptoms are the rattling when they breathe that gradually gets worse, some sneezes and now the sicker birds are showing less interest in food. I almost thought maybe the roo or the rescue girls brought something into the flock but I don’t think so. The roo never exhibited any symptoms and the rescue girls weren’t the first to get sick with this thing. So I’m inclined to believe that since the pigeons were showing the same symptoms that it’s something being passed by them. They could certainly be bringing it from another flock around here as well.

Bigfoot's brother from the same hatch that I kept is doing well. He's gotten big and he was as big as his daddy when I rehomed Roger, but he hasn't started crowing or trying to mate yet.

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