Good morning Sue, have a great day!

Thanks NFC, same to you! I can’t say this year has been all bad. Putting human stupidity and covid aside, I’ve had a fair mix of crummy and pretty damn good, so I’m not feeling the good riddance attitude toward 2020 that everyone else is.
It's definitely been a mixed bag for us too IM! Retirement & new grandson made it a better year than it would have been.
I went out and stirred the litter in the coop/duck house. It’s amazing how damp it was in there! I also moved the pool away from the pop door to where we plan to put the bigger one and left the big door open to help things dry out. Obviously that chore needs doing a bit more often.

I talked with my son a bit about housing today. I explained that I feel like maybe the ducks need a little house inside the existing structure to snuggle in and keep warmer. However, wild ducks don’t have such a thing and I felt like the money and effort would be wasted. He agreed.

We’re having lows in the mid 30s to low 40s and highs in the low 60s right now but I’m already thinking about summer. I’ve decided not to use the screens on the coop/duck house this year, just a strip across the bottom to make them feel like they have some cover from the front. Also, I’m going to hang the fans inside against the HWC to push out warm air and moisture.

Back to perusing backyard duck pond pics, looking for ideas so we can get started when the pond liner arrives.
I can't wait to see what you come up's going to be so nice.
I’ve come to the conclusion that if I’m going to have chickens again then I’m not housing ducks and chickens together. The ducks are just way too wet and the coop doesn’t dry out enough for my liking. I think the mini coop is better suited to ducks than the big one so I’m cleaning it out. I moved the feed outside and generally cleaned up the yard, had some lunch and then enticed the ducks out with some peas in a bowl of water. Then I made a few splashes in the pool and left. Yard as of today
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Looks great IM!

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