Look at them trying to hide in the corner...you just need to tell them that they are ducks...not chickens...;) I just can't get over how fast they grow! đź’— Has Fig given anymore loud quacks?
Yes she quacks from time to time. She’s just not a chatterbox I guess. She has become quite friendly though.
The ducklings no longer have their heat plate. They are obviously sleeping between the water and food. Here they are today, still as far away as they can get.
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The big girls enjoying the water bucket cleaning after a quick swim.
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Pip has grown in some color with her adult feathers.
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Bean in front, Pip in the back here
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lol those look like my girls Madi and Milk Tea
This has been a busy day. The pups went to the park first thing, then we came home and I watered the garden. We went to a baseball game, then came home and I stirred litter in the duck house and topped up feed. I used my garden fork instead of the rake and it works so much better! The littles are getting big enough that I put a bucket on their side and I’m transitioning them over to that for water. The little chick waterer was empty today so they must have been drinking from their pool. I checked it before we left so they spilled. I have to say that deep litter is great here with ducks. Their bodies are still moist when they go to bed and that really helps with the composting process. I don’t have to wet the litter down because they do that for me. It smells less now that I’ve removed the top panels for I’m the front also. I’m amazed at how much moisture that thing traps when it doesn’t seem that it would with our dry climate. Pretty much every morning the big girls are at the barrier with the littles just on the other side so I really need to tame the little girls and start letting them out. Tonight I’m giving them some herbs to begin that process.
Duck soup and bunny salad from the garden tonight. Plus a few peas for the ducks
This has been a busy day. The pups went to the park first thing, then we came home and I watered the garden. We went to a baseball game, then came home and I stirred litter in the duck house and topped up feed. I used my garden fork instead of the rake and it works so much better! The littles are getting big enough that I put a bucket on their side and I’m transitioning them over to that for water. The little chick waterer was empty today so they must have been drinking from their pool. I checked it before we left so they spilled. I have to say that deep litter is great here with ducks. Their bodies are still moist when they go to bed and that really helps with the composting process. I don’t have to wet the litter down because they do that for me. It smells less now that I’ve removed the top panels for I’m the front also. I’m amazed at how much moisture that thing traps when it doesn’t seem that it would with our dry climate. Pretty much every morning the big girls are at the barrier with the littles just on the other side so I really need to tame the little girls and start letting them out. Tonight I’m giving them some herbs to begin that process.

Do you suppose the big girls will help the little ones adjust to you? Seems they might learn from their elders.
Do you suppose the big girls will help the little ones adjust to you? Seems they might learn from their elders.
I was thinking about that, they might. I’m going to start with the bowl of greens and make an effort to sit with them in the afternoons like I did with the older girls. I have been busy with the garden and stuff and haven’t put in the time I did with the first three. Once they don’t freak out and run to the corner when I go in there I’ll let them mingle with the big girls and see how it goes. The wind has kept the bigs inside a bit and I hope that will help with integration.
Today I opened the pop door and filled the little black tub with water for the ducklings. I made sure they saw me fill it with water, splashed my hand in it a few times and closed the gate. I found one of the them in the bucket this morning, not sure how long she was in there. It’s time to give them the pink bowl to drink from and figure out something else for the evening treat.

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