Thank you, I’ll be sure to tell the girls :)

It’s half a piece of toast lol. It was close in size to some of the eggs I was getting from a couple of my chickens though and these are first eggs.

So guessing they'll get larger just like chickens eggs?

You might need to find some x-large egg cartons :)
So guessing they'll get larger just like chickens eggs?

You might need to find some x-large egg cartons :)
As I recall the Runner eggs should get to roughly jumbo chicken egg size. The white layers will lay a bit larger than that maybe as they’re slightly larger.
These first eggs I would estimate are between a medium and large chicken egg.
It’s toasty in the sun, but I understand why the ducks hang out in the side yard during the afternoon. The breeze and the shade from the tree make a noticeable difference in temperature.
I weeded the shade garden a bit this afternoon and got to thinking about the fact that I think it gets too much shade. I think I’m going to use tunnel fabric on the West and North walls. With a space left open at the top and bottom air would also flow through better. So that’s my project this week...weed the whole think, put down cardboard and straw to stop weeds and mulch, then repair the top and make some changes.
It’s toasty in the sun, but I understand why the ducks hang out in the side yard during the afternoon. The breeze and the shade from the tree make a noticeable difference in temperature.
I weeded the shade garden a bit this afternoon and got to thinking about the fact that I think it gets too much shade. I think I’m going to use tunnel fabric on the West and North walls. With a space left open at the top and bottom air would also flow through better. So that’s my project this week...weed the whole think, put down cardboard and straw to stop weeds and mulch, then repair the top and make some changes.

Yards, houses, coops...things that always need a project (or 5) done!
Duck egg for breakfast. I made them sunny side up on half a piece of toast and they were perfect. The shells are definitely thicker so you have to give them a good whack to crack them. The taste isn’t much different than a chicken egg, if anything I like them more as they have a milder taste to me. This is going to work out just fine! We got our third egg this morning as well.
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So, you didn't notice the yolks being thicker? Maybe my old rememberer is having trouble...:gig

I'm glad you enjoyed them IM...that looks pretty tasty! :)
It’s toasty in the sun, but I understand why the ducks hang out in the side yard during the afternoon. The breeze and the shade from the tree make a noticeable difference in temperature.
I weeded the shade garden a bit this afternoon and got to thinking about the fact that I think it gets too much shade. I think I’m going to use tunnel fabric on the West and North walls. With a space left open at the top and bottom air would also flow through better. So that’s my project this week...weed the whole think, put down cardboard and straw to stop weeds and mulch, then repair the top and make some changes.
You'll will have to post some pictures when your done...I'm trying to visualize this! :)
My son and granddaughter stopped by today so we can see his new hoopdie, a $2500 vehicle he bought to have something to drive while he saves for a truck. He doesn’t want payments. I played dominos with Hope and Cameron and Hope won. Little punk.

I discovered I don’t have a full deck of cards, :lau I knew this, so I ordered a deck and found dominos in card form too :yesss: Now I can take them to play when we visit. This is a game we all enjoy playing quite a bit along with go fish and war, but taking a tin box full of dominos is loud, bulky and heavy.

Hubs is bbqing salmon and I have asparagus on the stove. Early dinner and a shower and I’m ready for bed already!
My son and granddaughter stopped by today so we can see his new hoopdie, a $2500 vehicle he bought to have something to drive while he saves for a truck. He doesn’t want payments. I played dominos with Hope and Cameron and Hope won. Little punk.

I discovered I don’t have a full deck of cards, :lau I knew this, so I ordered a deck and found dominos in card form too :yesss: Now I can take them to play when we visit. This is a game we all enjoy playing quite a bit along with go fish and war, but taking a tin box full of dominos is loud, bulky and heavy.

Hubs is bbqing salmon and I have asparagus on the stove. Early dinner and a shower and I’m ready for bed already!
Sounds like a fun day! I'm glad that you got to spend it with your family! Have a good night? 💗

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