Will you let her hatch some ducklings?
Yes, the babies will go to my son and DIL when their mom leaves them to fend for themselves. It rained pretty hard last night for a bit so I'll have to check on her nest today and see what's going on. She comes out twice a day to eat, in the morning and late afternoon. Poor thing missed out on peas last night, but the night before she ate peas and then went back to her nest, bad girl.
My employer was quite generous this year with the holiday bonus so I spent a small part of it on a panel style grow light, heat mat and a tray with dome for starting stuff for the garden.

I have a possible plan for the buns moving outside if the daughters coworker doesn’t take them. The ducks don’t use the coop and I have some wire left over from building the garden that we can put on the floor so they can’t dig out. If we redo the mini coop with wire and attach the coops with a tunnel they’d have at least as much space as they have now. Also, I read about how to make a heat sink and fill it with ice to create a cool spot for them to lay on when it’s really hot out. I’m pretty sure I could make that work out there.
My employer was quite generous this year with the holiday bonus so I spent a small part of it on a panel style grow light, heat mat and a tray with dome for starting stuff for the garden.

I have a possible plan for the buns moving outside if the daughters coworker doesn’t take them. The ducks don’t use the coop and I have some wire left over from building the garden that we can put on the floor so they can’t dig out. If we redo the mini coop with wire and attach the coops with a tunnel they’d have at least as much space as they have now. Also, I read about how to make a heat sink and fill it with ice to create a cool spot for them to lay on when it’s really hot out. I’m pretty sure I could make that work out there.

If you re-home the bunnies or move them outside, will you put your growing stuff inside where their area was?

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