It was a tough day at work
Went out to pull some weeds and the dogs got to run the big yard. The ground is somewhat soft so I’m hoping it’ll be good for digging the hole for the apple tree by Sunday, more rain tomorrow. The drain pipe for the rabbit tunnel is ready for pickup so we’ll get that tomorrow. I think just one more week and the buns can go outside. Planning the apple tree guild and researching comfrey. True comfrey will reseed itself but I’m not sure it’ll grow here. I’ve read that Russian comfrey may be my best bet, but it’s sterile so if it dies it’s all gone. I’m thinking about trying both to see which works best. We already have garlic and artichoke out there, and I have a dill plant in the shade garden waiting for transplant. I’m going to start more dill and cilantro, nasturtiums, marjoram, and I’m looking for lemon grass because mine died when I transplanted it. I’d like to try some walking onions too. I think I can put a few seasonal things in the smaller area In the garden, particularly if I grow vines vertically rather than on the ground. I’m also creating a guild around the lemon tree, that’s what the lemongrass is for, and some smaller sunken beds for warm season crops in various places at some point in the future, need to finish current plans and projects first.
Went out to pull some weeds and the dogs got to run the big yard. The ground is somewhat soft so I’m hoping it’ll be good for digging the hole for the apple tree by Sunday, more rain tomorrow. The drain pipe for the rabbit tunnel is ready for pickup so we’ll get that tomorrow. I think just one more week and the buns can go outside. Planning the apple tree guild and researching comfrey. True comfrey will reseed itself but I’m not sure it’ll grow here. I’ve read that Russian comfrey may be my best bet, but it’s sterile so if it dies it’s all gone. I’m thinking about trying both to see which works best. We already have garlic and artichoke out there, and I have a dill plant in the shade garden waiting for transplant. I’m going to start more dill and cilantro, nasturtiums, marjoram, and I’m looking for lemon grass because mine died when I transplanted it. I’d like to try some walking onions too. I think I can put a few seasonal things in the smaller area In the garden, particularly if I grow vines vertically rather than on the ground. I’m also creating a guild around the lemon tree, that’s what the lemongrass is for, and some smaller sunken beds for warm season crops in various places at some point in the future, need to finish current plans and projects first.

Sounds like you have a lot of playing in the dirt on your calendar IM!
Transplanted three of four chaste trees today. Using a mix of miracle grow moisture control potting soil with an equal amount of coco coir, and an old piece of shade cloth in the bottom of each pot to keep the soil from washing out. Igor hung the garden sign and the ants.

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