Since the topic is on eggs,,, wanted to share this story,, that I heard from a long time ago.
In the Army,, they served eggs for breakfast. Since the volume needed was large,, the eggs were powdered form. They were cooked up scrambled, (regardless, if fresh were available at time, or powdered)
Some of the GI Joes would comment,,," Hey Sarge,,, are these fresh or powdered??" Of course Sarge was a crafty one,, :thumbsup so every once in a while,, Sarge would take a few fresh eggs,, and add to the mix,, SHELLS AND ALL CRUSHED.
The comments would be,, ""Oh yeahhhhhhh, Sarge,, THESE ARE FRESH.""

Moral to the story,,, Whatever form the eggs are,, they are still NUTRITION:old

He was a crafty one :lol:
Today is the hottest day this year so far, over 100* in the forecast. Yuck. I decided to use an auger to dig the holes for the trees. There are two Vitex, two apricot and two plum, plus the apple tree. By the time those grow up and we move the old rabbit pen outside the backyard is going to be pretty full. I’ll still have space for the mulberries and bananas, but they’ll have to be in pots around the other stuff. Still seeking the right spot for the sugarcane. It’s a grass so I may just put it in the sun garden tomorrow and see how it goes. One of the tomato plants is going like gang busters, the other isn’t doing as well so I might just pull it. There are beans on the bush, just wee ones, and the cucumber plant has flowers. The borage and comfrey are still doing well. I’m still working on getting the rosemary bush out of the shade garden, hopefully that will be done tomorrow.

The flock is growing like crazy. The rooster still has a baby crow, but it’s not broken and gargled sounding now so it won’t be long until he’s got his big boy voice. Hubs put in a new roost for them yesterday and I need to get out there to sand it a bit. Still haven’t painted the coop, so that’ll likely be delayed until fall because of garden projects. I’m planning to keep the crew in their yard until late fall or winter so everything has a chance to grow bigger. By next year I think there will be plenty of shade for them to enjoy and they’ll get the full backyard experience.

I planted the dwarf banana tree I got earlier in the week. It’s headed to the shade garden for now


This is the succulent my employer sent when my dad passed. It’s in this tiny pot under the grow lights in the house and is so happy!
You're going to have an oasis in your backyard by the time things have grown IM ❤️
I hope so! When we went to the worm farm and had a chance to walk through their orchard it was amazing. The temp was so much cooler and pleasant to be in. I hope to replicate that at home, and I’ll feel less guilt over the flock being out there in summer.
Vitex both bloom purple. The dogs yard

This bed is done and I attached the Carolina jessamine in a couple more spot on the trellis

Lemon tree, the four potted trees, and Arabian lilac, then the lemongrass, then the lilac and the comfrey I transplanted today

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