I'm sorry you haven't had coffee. I hope your vertigo was a one time thing, and won't return.
Thanks Janie, you and me both! My dr said once it comes it often visits again later unfortunately. At least I’ll know what it is though, not knowing was the scariest part really.

At this point I’m done with coffee. I don’t really even miss it and normally by this point I would.
Thanks Janie, you and me both! My dr said once it comes it often visits again later unfortunately. At least I’ll know what it is though, not knowing was the scariest part really.

At this point I’m done with coffee. I don’t really even miss it and normally by this point I would.

If going without it helps you, that's great!
Thanks Janie, you and me both! My dr said once it comes it often visits again later unfortunately. At least I’ll know what it is though, not knowing was the scariest part really.

At this point I’m done with coffee. I don’t really even miss it and normally by this point I would.
I'm on limited coffee these days.
If going without it helps you, that's great!
A stroke, which can cause Vertigo symptoms, could have been caused by the sweetener I was using, I’m no longer using it so no coffee. I haven’t had any all week except a half a small cup yesterday, and then read an article that the sweetener actually causes your blood to coagulate, increasing risk of stroke and heart attack.

For the record I don’t think I had a stroke, but now I’m aware of a risk I wasn’t aware of before.
Why is that Shad? I only was drinking one large or two small cups a day so it’s not a huge deal for me at this point. Illness made it easy to stop.
When I moved back to the UK most of everything went to shite and that included my diet. Unlike many, when I'm under a lot of stress I tend to lose weight and I discovered over the two years, one in Catalonia while I watched a difficult situation graduate to an impossible situation and the next year as homeless in the UK I had shed 10Kg. A good weight for me in my 50's would be around 60Kg to 65Kg. At 68 years old 55Kg would be reasonable. I sank to 50Kg at one point and that's a large percentage to lose when I wasn't carrying any excess to start with.
Coffee tends to suppress my appetite and I like spoon standing coffee, so coffee had to go, or at least be much reduced.
When I moved back to the UK most of everything went to shite and that included my diet. Unlike many, when I'm under a lot of stress I tend to lose weight and I discovered over the two years, one in Catalonia while I watched a difficult situation graduate to an impossible situation and the next year as homeless in the UK I had shed 10Kg. A good weight for me in my 50's would be around 60Kg to 65Kg. At 68 years old 55Kg would be reasonable. I sank to 50Kg at one point and that's a large percentage to lose when I wasn't carrying any excess to start with.
Coffee tends to suppress my appetite and I like spoon standing coffee, so coffee had to go, or at least be much reduced.
Wow Shad, I get that. What an ordeal that must have been as you were going through it. I can’t even imagine!

Do be careful about your weight please! You need a little padding at least :)
Had to buy a new pool, the old one had too many cracks in it to repair. Tomorrow will be the first day I give the crew some ice. It’s not horrible hot, but it’s hot nonetheless.

Igor put the fan in the coop today, it runs on batteries so no more cords. Yay! We’re going to have to do some major maintenance on the coop though. The walls are cracked and rotted so it’s time to replace them. The new design will remain essentially the same. However, we’re going to add more vents up top and the bottom will be open maybe two feet max and covered in HWC.

The project after that will be the SIP beds for the garden.

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