It only took me two days but I got the pantry organized again. I only found three things in there that needed to be tossed which is amazing really. And I found a can of coffee I didn’t know was in there which is fantastic. Still need a few cans of fruit, I forgot it even though I had a list :rolleyes: I’m feeling like a space cadet lately.
It was toasty here so I gave the crew some cold watermelon and a tomato this evening. I think tomorrow I’ll get a couple blocks of ice, it’s supposed to be 105 for a couple of days and that’s warm enough to be uncomfortable. One of the girls is broody so I’m going to have to deal with her tonight and need to check on Shadows back; I hope I can take the saddle off. Speaking of Shadow, her beard and muffs were brown today…her face was muddy after she foraged in the mud around some plants. 🤭I tried for a pic but she split. Brat.
It was toasty here so I gave the crew some cold watermelon and a tomato this evening. I think tomorrow I’ll get a couple blocks of ice, it’s supposed to be 105 for a couple of days and that’s warm enough to be uncomfortable. One of the girls is broody so I’m going to have to deal with her tonight and need to check on Shadows back; I hope I can take the saddle off. Speaking of Shadow, her beard and muffs were brown today…her face was muddy after she foraged in the mud around some plants. 🤭I tried for a pic but she split. Brat.

Is this the first time you've hit over 100* this year IM? I think I broke out in a sweat just reading 105* :lol:
Bullet and Midge, I miss that girl something fierce
The brussel sprout seeds I sowed didn't show.:( I'm still trying to work out what will and what won't grow here with minimum maintainence. The chickens have had most of the lower branch fruit buds which I don't mind but I'm not planning on feeding a murder of crows and a bunch of fat arsed pigeons!:rantI'm going to have to put netting on the fruit trees and for next year, make a netted plot section to cover all the fruit trees down to ground level. The chickens will still get the benefit of the shade and the bugs in the ground but given I feed them lots of nice healthy stuff, I think a few ripe berries for me isn't too much to ask.
The courgetes are coming along well. The spinach looks a bit weak but it's growing. I've rather optimistically planted three tomato plants. The leeks are looking less like stray strands of grass and more like there may just be a vegetable under the ground. Most of everything else is either waiting to get above ground or is doing reasonably well.
The brussel sprout seeds I sowed didn't show.:( I'm still trying to work out what will and what won't grow here with minimum maintainence. The chickens have had most of the lower branch fruit buds which I don't mind but I'm not planning on feeding a murder of crows and a bunch of fat arsed pigeons!:rantI'm going to have to put netting on the fruit trees and for next year, make a netted plot section to cover all the fruit trees down to ground level. The chickens will still get the benefit of the shade and the bugs in the ground but given I feed them lots of nice healthy stuff, I think a few ripe berries for me isn't too much to ask.
The courgetes are coming along well. The spinach looks a bit weak but it's growing. I've rather optimistically planted three tomato plants. The leeks are looking less like stray strands of grass and more like there may just be a vegetable under the ground. Most of everything else is either waiting to get above ground or is doing reasonably well.

Sounds like some of your gardening work is paying off! I had to look up courgettes, they look like what we call zucchini.
The brussel sprout seeds I sowed didn't show.:( I'm still trying to work out what will and what won't grow here with minimum maintainence. The chickens have had most of the lower branch fruit buds which I don't mind but I'm not planning on feeding a murder of crows and a bunch of fat arsed pigeons!:rantI'm going to have to put netting on the fruit trees and for next year, make a netted plot section to cover all the fruit trees down to ground level. The chickens will still get the benefit of the shade and the bugs in the ground but given I feed them lots of nice healthy stuff, I think a few ripe berries for me isn't too much to ask.
The courgetes are coming along well. The spinach looks a bit weak but it's growing. I've rather optimistically planted three tomato plants. The leeks are looking less like stray strands of grass and more like there may just be a vegetable under the ground. Most of everything else is either waiting to get above ground or is doing reasonably well.
Sounds like my kind of luck Shad. What kind of fruit do you have there, just berries or other kinds also? I’m sure your growing zone isn’t anywhere close to mine, no greens will live outside right now without shade, lots of water and some hand holding. Even then it’s questionable.

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