We have either a Gambel’s quail or a California quail that I think is living in our yard. He’s here every morning and enjoys some scratch with the chickens. Last night I was sitting on the patio with my daughter waiting for the chickens to roost and he came up on the patio within five feet of us. He’s becoming less wary of humans but boy does he run fast! We surprised each other one day and he took off like a shot, little dust devils flying behind him.

Is this the same guy as you had on your roof a while back?
Elvis is going to jail. Shadow might go too, but Elvis for sure. My red girl won’t go near him because he’s being a serious jerk and when Elvis pinned her down yesterday Shadow joined in. Red is broody and molting, she doesn’t need that. If he doesn’t straighten up, he’s going to the cook pot.
Elvis is going to jail. Shadow might go too, but Elvis for sure. My red girl won’t go near him because he’s being a serious jerk and when Elvis pinned her down yesterday Shadow joined in. Red is broody and molting, she doesn’t need that. If he doesn’t straighten up, he’s going to the cook pot.



I got wind that your son is getting married in short. ❤️ Are you still going to do the Hand Fasting ' Here. ??
Do you think he was someone's pet?
No he’s not that trusting and I don’t think they’re legal to keep here. I’ve been working on a little bit on gaining some trust, just so he’s not terrified when I’m out there. I wouldn’t want him to become so comfortable that he’s an easy target for someone.

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